52840+7002ek udp demo problem

hi support team,

our ncs2.6.0 demo /samples/net/udp is supporting 7002dk, the demo works for 7002dk.

however it doesn't support 52840dk with 7002ek shield,i have modified demo according to 7002dk(copy nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns.conf to  nrf52840dk_nrf52840.conf)

the build process is ok and it runs normal, but findout device can't attached to router.

below is difference bwtween 52840dk and 7002dk:

the attached are the logs for 52840dk with 7002ek shield and 7002dk:



and here is the code:


please help to see what's the problem. really appreciated.



  • Hi William,

    I checked internally, and there should not be any issues with v0.9.3 of the nRF7002 EK that should be causing this.

    Can you provide some information about the "Nordicsh" router? What model is it?

    William.wei said:
    i have tried 5340dk + 7002ek, with router"Nordicsh", it works.

    Have you tried building with CMSE disabled (nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp) as well, or only with nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns? If you have not tried without CMSE yet, please do so.

    Best regards,
