uart2 RX interrupt not working

I have a nRF9160 custom board. I am using 2 UARTs (UART0 and UART2). I need to have an RX interrupt on both UARTs. I have identical setups and configuration and code. The RX interrupt works for UART0 but not for UART2. polling of the RX works for UART2 but I do not see an RX interrupt on UART2. my setup and test code is shown below

my setup for the interrupts is shown below

   /* enable Uart_0 interrupts so UART_0 */

    uart_irq_callback_set(uart0_dev, uart2_cb);
   /* enable Uart_2 interrupts so UART_2 */
    uart_irq_callback_set(uart2_dev, uart2_cb);
my callbacks are the following
void uart0_cb(const struct device *dev, void *user_data)
    uint8_t i;
    int data_length = 0;
    uint8_t temp_buf[16];

    if (uart_irq_rx_ready(dev))
        data_length = uart_fifo_read(dev, temp_buf, sizeof(temp_buf));
        if(data_length > 0)
            for(i=0; i < data_length; i++)
      [fifoPtr++] = temp_buf[i];
                uartData.len = fifoPtr;
                if(temp_buf[i] == '\r')
                    k_fifo_put(&fifo_uart_rx_data, &uartData);
                    fifoPtr = 0;
void uart2_cb(const struct device *dev, void *user_data)
   uint8_t i;
    int data_length = 0;
    uint8_t temp_buf[16];
    if (uart_irq_rx_ready(dev))
        data_length = uart_fifo_read(dev, temp_buf, sizeof(temp_buf));
        if(data_length > 0)
            for(i=0; i < data_length; i++)
      [fifoPtr2++] = temp_buf[i];
                uart2Data.len = fifoPtr2;
                if(temp_buf[i] == '\r')
                    k_fifo_put(&fifo_uart2_rx_data, &uart2Data);
                    fifoPtr2 = 0;
my test is the following

#if 0
    /* test of RX interrupt from UART0 */
    struct uart_data_t *bufx;
    uint8_t uart0In[30];

        printk("UART0 RX test\r\n");
        bufx = k_fifo_get(&fifo_uart_rx_data, K_FOREVER);       /* check if command line seen on UART */
        if (bufx)
            uart0In[bufx->len] = '\n';
            uart0In[bufx->len + 1] = '\0';
            printk("Uart0In: %d %s",strlen(uart0In),uart0In);

#if 0
    /* test of RX interrupt from UART2 */
    struct uart_data_t *bufx;
    uint8_t uart2In[30];

        printk("UART2 RX test\r\n");
        bufx = k_fifo_get(&fifo_uart2_rx_data, K_FOREVER);      /* check if command line seen on UART */
        if (bufx)
            uart2In[bufx->len] = '\n';
            uart2In[bufx->len + 1] = '\0';
            printk("Uart2In: %d %s",strlen(uart2In),uart2In);