nrf BLE mesh sample light_fixture not showing in nrf mesh application after flashing with nrf connect desktop in to nrf52840 dongle

I have flashed the light_ctrl hex file in nrf52840 dongle. Flashing Have been completed sueccessfully for provisioning in nrf mesh application its not showing in the network. to connect with light switch to create a mesh.

  • Does it have any problem with the softdevices.

  • Hello,

    Can you please try to reset the network in you nRF Mesh application? 

    It may differ in iOS and Android, but on iOS you'll find it under the Settings tab (in the nRF Mesh app) -> Reset Mesh Network (Forget Network).

    Have you (or someone) used the dongles for a Mesh application before, and provisioned it into another Mesh network? It struck me that they may have old network data stored in the flash, which may not be overwritten by the DFU process in the nRF Connect for Desktop -> Programmer app. Unfortunately, there is no simple way of telling whether the flash has old network data present. 

    Let me know if resetting the Mesh network on the phone doesn't work, and I will see if I can find/write a small application that will delete the network data pages on the dongle. 

    Best regards,


  • yess i have done reset mesh network several times but its getting the same.

  • Hello,  

    i will explian how i am flashing the code

    i will build the light fixture through the vscode nrf connection vs code extension pack.

    by using nrf connect desktop i will add the hex file which is builded and flash it to the dongle after making the dongle to bootloader mode.

    Is this the method correct or should i need to do anything more

  • That is correct. The issue is that the bootloader in the dongle doesn't erase the entire flash of the dongle. Only the part that is needed for the application. The network data for a mesh network is stored at the very top of the flash, so if it was previously used for something else, then there may be old data on the top of the dongle. And since the dongle doesn't have a debugger, there is no way to delete this data.

    It is of course possible to delete it, but we don't have any tools to do it. I am sorry, but I was busy the last couple of days, having to do some other stuff, so I didn't get time to write an application. I will try to do it on Monday.

    Sorry for the delay.

    Best regards,

