FOTA over Thread using cloud


I am considering to build a line of products using the nRF 5340 product and I am considering the options to perform FOTA.

So far the option I learned from the Intermediate training for customers is primarily FOTA over BLE only.

I have seen a previous post but it is 2 years old about this topic so I will ask again because perhaps the conditions have changed and maybe there is additional support now.

Is there support from the nRF libraries to perform FOTA over Thread using a cloud API?

Going one step lower, if a Thread border router that my device is connected to has permanent internet access, is it possible for the nRF 5340 to connect to the internet over Thread?

Can I use the FOTA download library (i.e. Download client FOTA download — nRF Connect SDK 2.6.99 documentation ( to download the update over the internet using the Thread protocol?

Thank you,

