Partition Manager and device tree partitions

This is a continuation of this question. It may be necessary reading to understand the context.

I'm confused by this topic too, however I think the error about "boot_partition" may have gone away? In Nov 2022, shortly before the OP, there were a couple of changes addressing Partition Manager support:

As far as I can tell now (at least since ncs v2.5.2), if MCUBoot is enabled with CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT, the build becomes a "Multi-image build". That enables Partition Manager, which makes fixed-partitions in the DTS irrelevant.

At least when I try it, removing all trace of fixed-partitions results in the same output, and no mention of boot_partition.

But then that makes comments like this one:

incorrect. So which is it? Does MCUBoot make fixed-partitions necessary, or unnecessary? Perhaps the answer is here, which seems to suggest fixed-partitions do nothing in ncs, but are still expected in Zephyr, so things like "slot0" are faked internally for Zephyr's benefit?
