Can you use the heap in custom secure partitions in TFM?

11 months ago in an answer a nordic member wrote (in regards to an error that I now also had and could solve using CONFIG_DEBUG=y):

I looked a bit more into it, and in order to use malloc heap must be enabled, and it is by default disabled in TF-M. In TF-M the heap is hardcoded to a small size of 0x200 and is only meant for debug builds.

CONFIG_DEBUG=y enables the heap and will likely remove the error, but I suggest managing the memory in some other way instead.

Is this still current?

Especially is the heap still limited to 0x200/512bytes?
Like in the manifest-file we can set the "heap_size" attribute similar to the "stack_size" attribute, but values above 512byte aren't realized?
If it has changed in the meantime, is there a current heap-size-limit and if yes what is it?
(I use SDK 2.6.1 with the nRF9161. The project extensively uses the heap/malloc therefore the question.)


  • Hey
    thanks for your reply

    Regarding RelWithDebInfo:
    I commented-out "CONFIG_DEBUG=y" and instead tried adding one of the following lines (each tested separately) to my prj.conf:
    CONFIG_relwithdebinfo =y
    relwithdebinfo =y
    CONFIG_RelWithDebInfo =y

    The full prj.conf then reads:

    # Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

    However they each led to the same undefined symbol error, so i couldn't build the program (while setting CONFIG_DEBUG=y works):

    /home/usern/vscodeprojects/tfm_secure_partition_modified/prj.conf:12: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol relwithdebinfo
    error: Aborting due to Kconfig warnings
    /home/usern/vscodeprojects/tfm_secure_partition_modified/prj.conf:12: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol relwithdebinfo
    error: Aborting due to Kconfig warnings

    /home/usern/vscodeprojects/tfm_secure_partition_modified/prj.conf:12: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol RelWithDebInfo
    error: Aborting due to Kconfig warnings

    /home/usern/vscodeprojects/tfm_secure_partition_modified/prj.conf:12: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol REL_WITH_DEB_INFO
    error: Aborting due to Kconfig warnings


    How/With which command do i activate RelWithDebInfo?
    Do i need to pass it differently?

    Regarding the heap:

    For heap size, you should be able to increase it here, or equivalent for different boards.
    Just make sure to size up the partitioning of sram as well when doing that.

    Ok thanks a lot.
    Is there still a limit on the heap size?

    And how do i increase the sram-size? Just by setting a higher number in this line in the same file you linked or is something more needed?

    #define SPU_SRAM_REGION_SIZE    (0x00002000)

    There is also no direct "equivalent" folder for my device (nrf9161), inside the directory
    (/home/usern/ncs/modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m/platform/ext/target/nordic_nrf/common/) only the following folders exist:

    Should i just edit the region_defs file within core and snrf91(/home/usern/ncs/modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m/platform/ext/target/nordic_nrf/common/nrf91/partition/region_defs.h)?

  • gdl said:
    How/With which command do i activate RelWithDebInfo?
    Do i need to pass it differently?

    I have not used this before, but.
    When I look it up, it looks like it is passed with cmake and not Kconfig.
    For example
    "cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo .."

    gdl said:
    And how do i increase the sram-size? Just by setting a higher number in this line in the same file you linked or is something more needed?

    Yep, I think so.
    The default sram partitioning looks like this, so I guess you will have enough here that you dont need to increase that.

      sram_primary (0x40000 - 256kB): 
    +---0x20000000: mcuboot_sram (0x8000 - 32kB)-------+
    +---0x20000000: sram_secure (0x8000 - 32kB)--------+
    | 0x20000000: tfm_sram (0x8000 - 32kB)             |
    +---0x20008000: sram_nonsecure (0x38000 - 224kB)---+
    +---0x20008000: nrf_modem_lib_sram (0x4568 - 17kB)-+
    | 0x20008000: nrf_modem_lib_ctrl (0x4e8 - 1kB)     |
    | 0x200084e8: nrf_modem_lib_tx (0x2080 - 8kB)      |
    | 0x2000a568: nrf_modem_lib_rx (0x2000 - 8kB)      |
    | 0x2000c568: sram_primary (0x33a98 - 206kB)       |

    gdl said:
    There is also no direct "equivalent" folder for my device (nrf9161), inside the directory
    (/home/usern/ncs/modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m/platform/ext/target/nordic_nrf/common/) only the following folders exist:

    Good point.
    Can i suggest that you temporarily put #warning "AAAAAAAAAAA" inside each of the SRAM defines in those files to see which one is being used with the 9161?

  • Yep, I think so.
    The default sram partitioning looks like this, so I guess you will have enough here that you dont need to increase that.

    Great Many thanks.

    I have not used this before, but.
    When I look it up, it looks like it is passed with cmake and not Kconfig.
    For example
    "cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo .."

    I will look into it further. I seem to get an error when using it with the default size-optimized building, but the speed-optimized one probably works.

    Can i suggest that you temporarily put #warning "AAAAAAAAAAA" inside each of the SRAM defines in those files to see which one is being used with the 9161?

    It doesn't seem to use one of the two partition_defs.h inside the common-directory as nothing seems to be displayed when pressing build



    It does print out the #warning "AAAAAAAAAAA" when changing the following file, so maybe thats the right
    one /home/usern/ncs/nrf/modules/trusted-firmware-m/tfm_boards/partition/region_defs.h

  • gdl said:
    It does print out the #warning "AAAAAAAAAAA" when changing the following file, so maybe thats the right

    Then, I guess this is the file that is being defaulted to if no other file is used.

    As you probably see that this is a bit of new territory for us as well.
    But know that our TF-M devs are getting info from this ticket, so we will hopefully get a better way to do this stuff at a later point in time.
