nrf_dfu_flash_store change to QSPI function -> callback issue in nrfx_qspi_write


I'm chnaging the Secure Bootloader to an external falsh for bank1, connected with QSPI.

In the function on_data_obj_write_request is the call for nrf_dfu_flash_store (file nrf_dfu_req_handler.c

static void on_data_obj_write_request(nrf_dfu_request_t * p_req, nrf_dfu_response_t * p_res)

    if (!nrf_dfu_validation_init_cmd_present())
        /* Can't accept data because DFU isn't initialized by init command. */

    uint32_t const data_object_offset = s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_offset -

    if ((p_req->write.len + data_object_offset) > s_dfu_settings.progress.data_object_size)
        /* Can't accept data because too much data has been received. */
        NRF_LOG_ERROR("Write request too long");
        p_res->result = NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER;

    uint32_t const write_addr = m_firmware_start_addr + s_dfu_settings.write_offset;
    /* CRC must be calculated before handing off the data to fstorage because the data is
     * freed on write completion.
    uint32_t const next_crc =
        crc32_compute(p_req->write.p_data, p_req->write.len, &s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_crc);


    ret_code_t ret =
        nrf_dfu_flash_store(write_addr, p_req->write.p_data, p_req->write.len, p_req->callback.write);

    if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS)
        /* When nrf_dfu_flash_store() fails because there is no space in the queue,
         * stop processing the request so that the peer can detect a CRC error
         * and retransmit this object. Remember to manually free the buffer !

    /* Update the CRC of the firmware image. */
    s_dfu_settings.write_offset                   += p_req->write.len;
    s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_offset += p_req->write.len;
    s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_crc     = next_crc;

    /* This is only used when the PRN is triggered and the 'write' message
     * is answered with a CRC message and these field are copied into the response.
    p_res->write.crc    = s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_crc;
    p_res->write.offset = s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_offset;

There is a callback which is needed:

ret_code_t ret =
        nrf_dfu_flash_store(write_addr, p_req->write.p_data, p_req->write.len, p_req->callback.write);

inside this function I use the QSPI function:

hal_qspi_write(&p_src, len, (dest & EXTERNAL_FLASH_ADDRESS_LOWER_BYTES), (void*)callback))

which at the end is calling the nrfx function nrfx_qspi_write. 

Here I should have a callback, but I don't know what I should implement.

The original callback in the nrf_fstorage_write is implemented like this:
return (p_fs->p_api)->write(p_fs, dest, p_src, len, p_context);

ret_code_t nrf_fstorage_write(nrf_fstorage_t const * p_fs,
                              uint32_t               dest,
                              void           const * p_src,
                              uint32_t               len,
                              void                 * p_context)

    /* Length must be a multiple of the program unit. */
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(!(len % p_fs->p_flash_info->program_unit), NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH);

    /* Source and destination addresses must be word-aligned. */
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(addr_is_aligned32(dest),                NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR);
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(addr_is_aligned32((uint32_t)p_src),     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR);
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(addr_is_within_bounds(p_fs, dest, len), NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR);

    return (p_fs->p_api)->write(p_fs, dest, p_src, len, p_context);

Now the DFU is strating on bank1 but the App is generating an error because data is missing because of this callack I guess?

I was following this topic:

  • Hi
    the complete handling with the QSPI functions between is working now.

    If I receive ethe data for the init package directly to the QSPI and not over the APP. I have to read this data for the size and information for the encryption. This information is stored in the dat file. the bin file contains the application, the dat file the information for this.

    Which function is used to read this dat file? Then I can read this from the external flash with the same function.

    Thank you

  • Hello,

    Einar is out of office for a few weeks.

    Perhaps I misunderstand, but there is no function reading the dat file directly, but since the dat file contains the information from the init packet, the init packet is validated in nrf_dfu_validation_prevalidate() I think. This is found in nrf_dfu_validation.c, and is typically triggered by nrf_dfu_validation_init_cmd_execute().

    Best regards,


  • Hi Edvin

    Yes I was digging and found this function aswell. What I don't understand is where the data in m_packet is written, beacuse in may case the dat file is stored in the external flash and I have to point on this region and read the dat file from the external falsh. The question is where is this happing in BLE standart DFU? Then I can interchange this function.

    There is if (m_packet.has_signed_command) which I have to set before, but I can't find this code where will be set on or off.

    nrf_dfu_result_t nrf_dfu_validation_prevalidate(void)
        nrf_dfu_result_t                 ret_val        = NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS;
        dfu_command_t            const * p_command      = &m_packet.command;
        dfu_signature_type_t             signature_type = DFU_SIGNATURE_TYPE_MIN;
        uint8_t                  const * p_signature    = NULL;
        uint32_t                         signature_len  = 0;
        if (m_packet.has_signed_command)
            p_command      = &m_packet.signed_command.command;
            signature_type =  m_packet.signed_command.signature_type;
            p_signature    =  m_packet.signed_command.signature.bytes;
            signature_len  =  m_packet.signed_command.signature.size;
        // Validate signature.
        if (signature_required(p_command->init.type))
            ret_val = nrf_dfu_validation_signature_check(signature_type,

    Is this the function where I have to read from the external flash?

    pb_istream_from_buffer in the pb_decode.c

    /** @brief Function for decoding byte stream into variable.
     *  @retval true   If the stored init command was successfully decoded.
     *  @retval false  If there was no stored init command, or the decoding failed.
    static bool stored_init_cmd_decode(void)
        m_pb_stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(s_dfu_settings.init_command,

    The data from the flash has to be stored here I guess, correct?

    m_pb_stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(s_dfu_settings.init_command, s_dfu_settings.progress.command_size);

    and then call the function nrf_dfu_validation_init with the call to stored_init_cmd_decode)

  • Hello,

    The original secure bootloader (both uart and BLE) is a passive bootloader. This means that this event is triggered by the "DFU master", which is typically a mobile phone (BLE) or another MCU on the board (uart). 

    The callstack to this is quite long, but I managed to trace it back to on_write() in nrf_dfu_ble.c.

    Something like:


    So this is triggered by the DFU master, where it sends the init packet, containing some metadata on the DFU image (size, CRC, and the signature). And then it sends the execute command for that init packet.

    However, if you already have this packet stored when you restart into DFU mode, you need to do some check to decide whether to check the stored data. If that check passes, it means that you can do this immediately after that. Normally we use the dfu_enter parameter in nrf_bootloader.c to decide whether to enter DFU mode or not. You can check some of the typical checks in dfu_enter_check(). The NRF_BL_DFU_ENTER_METHOD_GPREGRET method is great to use if you want to set it from the application. Then you write a value to the GPREGRET register before you reset the device using NVIC_SystemReset(). Then this register will be checked from the bootloader, and this will tell it to enter DFU mode, or in your case to check the init packet stored on the external flash chip.

    If you are in this state, and the init packet is checked and found valid, then you can proceed to what the nrf_dfu_validation_init_cmd_execute does with:

    nrf_dfu_result_t nrf_dfu_validation_init_cmd_execute(uint32_t * p_dst_data_addr,
                                                         uint32_t * p_data_len)
        nrf_dfu_result_t ret_val = NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS;
        if (s_dfu_settings.progress.command_offset != s_dfu_settings.progress.command_size)
            // The object wasn't the right (requested) size.
            NRF_LOG_ERROR("Execute with faulty offset");
        else if (m_valid_init_cmd_present)
            *p_dst_data_addr = nrf_dfu_bank1_start_addr();
            ret_val          = update_data_size_get(mp_init, p_data_len);
        else if (stored_init_cmd_decode())
            // Will only get here if init command was received since last reset.
            // An init command should not be written to flash until after it's been checked here.
            ret_val = nrf_dfu_validation_prevalidate(); // ************* You jump in after this ************
            *p_dst_data_addr = 0;
            *p_data_len      = 0;
            // Get size of binary.
            if (ret_val == NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS)
                ret_val = update_data_size_get(mp_init, p_data_len);
            // Get address where to flash the binary.
            if (ret_val == NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS)
                ret_val = update_data_addr_get(mp_init, *p_data_len, p_dst_data_addr);
            // Set flag validating the init command.
            if (ret_val == NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS)
                m_valid_init_cmd_present = true;
            NRF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to decode init packet");
            ret_val = NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_INVALID_OBJECT;
        return ret_val;

    (you jump in after line 21, so probably duplicate this function).

    Make sure that the rest of the API in this function works with your QSPI implementation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Edvin

    Thank you for the analysis.

    I will use Bit2 in GPREGRET to indicate that there is a firmware and init package in the external flash.

    in the functiuon nrf_bootloader_init with the function dfu_enter_check the return value will be true.

    In this case I will read the size and data from the external flash to s_dfu_settings.init_command and s_dfu_settings.progress.command_size and call the function stored_init_cmd_decode.

    Then the init package will be decoded and signed as valid.

    After I will call  nrf_dfu_validation_prevalidate.

    The function stored_init_cmd_decode I will call in the dfu_enter_check.


    I will jump to nrf_dfu_validation_init_cmd_execute line 21.

    Like I understand call this in a seperate function? (without the if)

    else if (stored_init_cmd_decode())
            // Will only get here if init command was received since last reset.
            // An init command should not be written to flash until after it's been checked here.
            ret_val = nrf_dfu_validation_prevalidate();
            *p_dst_data_addr = 0;
            *p_data_len      = 0;
            // Get size of binary.
            if (ret_val == NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS)
                ret_val = update_data_size_get(mp_init, p_data_len);
            // Get address where to flash the binary.
            if (ret_val == NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS)
                ret_val = update_data_addr_get(mp_init, *p_data_len, p_dst_data_addr);
            // Set flag validating the init command.
            if (ret_val == NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_SUCCESS)
                m_valid_init_cmd_present = true;

    This I can implement in the dfu_enter_check aswell? Or where should the code follow later?


    dfu_enter will be true and nrf_dfu_req_handler_init will be called.

    Where is the call to update the image from bank1 (my external flash)? Should I call something additional or set some bank1 = valid or something?

    Make sure that the rest of the API in this function works with your QSPI implementation.

    This is working, QSPI flash (bank1) is working with bootloader or application sent with the BLE App from Nordic.

    Thank you so much
