Some questions during the development of a DF project using the nRF52833DK

Some questions during the development of a DF project using the nRF52833DK:

  1. Will excessive serial output affect the performance of the microcontroller? For example, I am using Putty, and initially, the microcontroller seems to execute tasks normally. However, after some time, it becomes difficult to re-establish the connection. Could this be related to the Putty console getting stuck due to too much information being printed?

  2. Does the performance of the microcontroller relate to the performance of the computer receiving the serial information? For example, will the microcontroller perform better when connected to a new computer compared to a seven-year-old unmaintained computer?

  3. During the execution of the DF process, I found an issue: when setting antenna_patterns to antennas 1, 2, 3, 4 (with antenna 1 being the first antenna, that is, the communication antenna), the connection estiablishing is more efficient when antennas 1 and 2 form an acute angle with the direction of the signal source. Conversely, when antennas 1 and 2 form an obtuse angle with the direction of the  of the signal source, establishing the connection costs a long time.

My entire workflow shouldn't have any major issues I think, since I can get seemingly correct AoA and AoD using the MUSIC algorithm. I am just puzzled by these three points as I am somewhat new to this. I hope to get some answers!
