How to get started with a Nordic chip (in my case the nRF52832)

I'm new to Nordic Semiconductor chips.

I have experience programming STM32 and Atmel microprocessors.
I would need to program/debug the NORDIC nRF52832 chip, without using their Development Kit, but I have some questions:
1) to be able to program and write code for Nordic chips, is it mandatory to download and install the "nRF Command-Line Tools" program? What software do I need to install (I have Windows);
2) which debugger can I use? Since there are various debuggers on the market and I haven't found one specifically for NORDIC boards, I wonder which ones could be good (ST-LINK, any JTAG, etc..);
3) since the chip uses SWD communication for programming/debugging, is it also necessary to keep the reset pin HIGH correct?
4) which IDE do you recommend? VS Code? Eclipse? Others?

Basically I need to be able to program/debug a NORDIC chip, via SWD pins, and have the simplest and most effective installation of programs on the computer.

Do you have any advice?

Thanks for your attention and your time.
Have a nice day
