Problems with Power Profiler Kit II

Hi to all,
I have a problem and a question regarding the power measurement setup I’m working on.
Regarding the problem, I am trying to measure the power consumption of devices using the PPK2. After connecting the PPK2 to the nRF9161 DK for the first time and then disconnecting it, the nRF9161 DK stops functioning. Specifically, no commands work in the serial terminal, and the Programmer screen shows the message you can see in the attached photo.  
The device only starts working correctly again when reconnected to the PPK2, provided it is used as an Ampere meter with the “Enable Power Output” function on. Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue?
Regarding the power measurement, I wanted to ask about the power shown in the other attached image.
This corresponds to the power read initially by the PPK2 when the nRF9161 DK is on, but no commands have been entered yet. Should this power consumption (oscillating between 31 and 32 mA) be considered solely as the power consumed by the nRF9161 DK, or is there a potential influence from the power profiler device itself on the power consumption of the nRF9161 DK?
Thank you for your assistance, and I wish you a great week ahead.
Best regards,