DFU on NRF54L15

Using the Nordic NRF54L15 as part of the nRF54L15-PDK(v0.7.0).

I am working on enabling and experimenting with adding mcuboot and enabling DFU support via BLE.

I have done this for our own application and managed to get this building sucessfully. I am also able to successfully transfer an image via BLE DFU and get that successfully stored on the device. I am able to `test` the image and also `confirm` the image so that my DFU image becomes the running image.

This is done using the `mcumgr web` client.

So far so good, but the issue comes when I want to do the second OTA with an updated image, It seems that there is an issue with preparing/erasing the secondary slot to get ready for the new incoming image.

[00:00:45.438,810] <err> flash_sync_mpsl: timeout
[00:00:45.438,828] <err> mcumgr_img_grp: image slot erase of 0x3c000 bytes failed (err -116)

I suspected that I had gone wrong somewhere in my configuration and decided to use the already provided sample located at:


At this stage I also enabled the external FLASH by using the following command:

west build -b nrf54l15pdk/nrf54l15/cpuapp deps/zephyr/samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/smp_svr -p -T sample.mcumgr.smp_svr.bt.nrf54l15pdk.ext_flash

Which comes from here, my only deviation from this is that there is an extra layer with the `deps` folder.

This also builds and runs fine, takes the DFU via BLE and can accept the new image, but I also get the same problem on the second DFU attempt with the error shown above.

This is using NCS v2.7.0-rc2

It is using sysbuild, and it is using partition manager.

Any ideas or thoughts on what might be going wrong here, or am I missing something that I should be doing?

