I just needed some clarification as I'm migrating from SDK 6.1 to SDK10:
app_button: There's no way to have the Button function thru the Scheduler anymore. I would have in effect have to write my own app_button_with_scheduler module
If I handle app_button events as is (GPIOTE interrupt context), it is safe to start app_timers within the event_handler?
With the new file structure I cannot find any implemented use of the examples config/nrf_drv_config.h? I understand what the code means in these files, but I don't see where it is ever used. My applications use of TIMERs was always handled in the context in which it was used: SPI Master, External interrupt (GPIOTE), custom PWM code, ADC, Temperature. So I don't feel like I would need the nrf_drv_config.h in my project, unless it serves a purpose I don't see? Please advise.
Since Nordic has differentiate the modules, now I would have to use app_timer_appsh if I want to have my app_timers use the Scheduler. Correct?
Just as a comment: The old SDK online documentation (6.1) was much much easy to browse through. Also searching was much easier then the new infocenter version. I cannot search for anything only within a specific SDK. i.e. search for app_timer only in SDK 10.
Thanks in advanced for your advisement on these issues.