Modem FOTA Questions (Firmware compatibility matric and firmware file storage)


I am evaluating the nRF9161 and nRF9151 and have a few questions.

1. In regard to modem FOTA delta firmware updates, where is the delta file stored? Is it stored in the modem core flash, or must it be stored in the application core flash or external flash? I have read conflicting information on the DevZone regarding this.

2. When updating to a new modem major firmware version, say 1.3.x to 1.4.x, this requires a "full" modem firmware update and requires storing the firmware file in external flash due to its size. If you design a product without an external flash, is it true you are then stuck on whatever major version you program the modem with since you cannot perform a "full' firmware update? Ie, if you are on 1.3.x you can never go to 1.4.x?

3. Based on the nRF9160 modem firmware compatibility matrix linked below, newer modem firmware versions are not compatible with older versions of the nRF connect SDK. Is this true?

For example, if you are on modem firmware 1.3.1 and nRF Connect SDK 2.0.0, it doesn't seem like you can jump directly to modem firmware 1.3.6 because it isn't compatible with nRF Connect SDK 2.0.0. It seems like you you can only jump to modem firmware 1.3.2 because 1.3.3 isn’t compatible with nRF Connect SDK 2.0.0. Once you jump to modem firmware 1.3.2, you then update to nRF Connect SDK 2.1.0. This will then let you update to modem firmware 1.3.4 (skipping 1.3.2). Then you can update nRF Connect SDK to 2.2.0, which will then let you update the modem firmware to 1.3.6.

Are these incremental updates really necessary?


