Partial Firmware update in DFU

I am doing DFU using nRF52832 board. Is it possible to update partial firmware?

For example, Is it possible to change only blinking LED without changing other stuff from the code?

  • Hi Patil! It is possible, in my case I used a work around to implement delta-updates. Look for Janpatch, it is possible to generate a binary delta file which you will use to reconstruct the complete firmware image by using your program memory with the app already programmed and the delta file to then generate the full firmware image which you will then forward to the DFUOTA bootloader.... or to another flash area where you can store the reconstructed FW, depending on your implementation, hardware, etc... That's how I did it in a nrf52840 running mesh SDK.
    There may be a more direct way, depends what you are running, and I'm guessing that if you are running Zephyr or nRF Connect SDK there may be a more straigh-forward path. I am still using the old SDKs here...
