Matter Test-Harness error (600) when pairing with device

Hi there,

I generated the DAC, PAI, and PAA certificates using the chip-tool and merged them into my firmware as factory data. Additionally, I generated the Certificate Declaration using
chip-cert with the following parameters to create CD:

  --key "Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Key.pem" \

  --cert "Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Cert.pem" \

  --out "Chip-Test-CD-1335-8005.der" \

  --format-version "0" \

  --vendor-id 1335 \

  --product-id 8005 \

  --device-type-id 101 \

  --certificate-id "ZIG20141ZB330001-24" \

  --security-level "0" \

  --security-info "0" \

  --version-number "9876" \

  --certification-type “0" \

Then I followed the instructions in to build the Certificate Declaration (CD) into Zephyr. After that, I attempted to pair the device with the TH but encountered error 600. Could you help me figure out this issue?

