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AutoConnect with ble_app_proximity & Master Control Panel/ToolBox

Hi All -

Is there anyone successfully able to autoconnect with nrf51822 with a phone/pc/tablet? I have been trying it for the past week and couldn't get my nRF51822 autoconnect with my Android Phone or Windows 10 Tablet. Used nRF Master Control Panel as well as the nRF Toolbox apps and through the Connect with autoconnect option in case of MCP. With MCP, I was able to bond successfully.

On the device, I used my own app which has the BLE Device Manager library included and I am doing the dm_init and dm_register calls correctly. Also handling the sys_evt correctly by calling the DM's system event handler.

Since I suspected it could be to do with my own app, I tried using the ble_app_proximity and it has the same result. Successfully bonding and connect the first time. But subsequent state changes, it doesn't autoconnect.

In all of the above cases, I have been using S110 v7.0.0. In case it matters.

Anyone facing the same issue(s)? Any pointers to successful implementation would be highly appreciated.

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  • Thanks Hung.

    While I will try to test with other Android, preferably on a Samsung, my concern is about the behavior consistency (or lack there of). The issue is that, with OnePlus, all my other BT devices like headphones, speakers and my watch is working perfectly fine with respect to AutoConnect. Only Nordic device is having trouble with the autoconnection. So, I am wondering if this is specific to nRF51822 or could I be doing something in the firmware to get this capability....

  • Hi TechGeek,

    The headphones most likely using Bluetooth classic which mean different protocol. I'm not sure about the watch.

    I don't think the firmware can do anything here unless you change the address when start advertising again. I assume that your device start advertising right after it get disconnected ?

  • Yes, the device starting to advertise right after disconnection. No issues with it.

    As for Bluetooth Classic, isn't it the nRF51822 can be in Bluetooth classic mode as well? Even if not, wouldn't it be "compatible" with BT Classic mode central roles? BTW, my watch uses BT LE.

  • Well, no the nRF51 can't do Bluetooth classic, they are 2 different protocols. nRF51 is not compatible with BT Classic central. Most phones are Bluetooth Smart Ready, which mean they supports both Classic and BTLE.

    Regarding your watch, I would need to know how does it connects to the phone, could be using an app or a service running in background ? I suspect there is a chance that the app do scanning and connect continuously (instead of using auto connect).
