nRF52805 Central not supported?


We are evaluating MCU's for a low cost Central device that is extremely cost constrained. The nRF52805 and the nRF52810 both have the same RAM (24 KB) and FLASH (192 KB) size. Yet, the nRF52805 does not support the Central role but the nRF52810 does. With this in mind, I have a few questions:

1. Why does the nRF52805 not support the Central role even though the nRF52810 does?

I understand that the nRF52805 only supports SoftDevice S112 and S113, but what is stopping you from running S132 on the nRF52805?

2. If you can't run S132 on the nRF52805, does running nRF Connect SDK provide the use of the Central role on the nRF52805?

3. Do you have any Central role SDK examples running on the nRF52805? (nRF SDK or nRF Connect SDK)

4. If the nRF52805 can't run in Central mode, what is the lowest cost MCU that Nordic provides that supports the Central role?


