How to set an interrupt on LDSW via GPIO in the NPM1300 using the nRF Connect SDK.

I am using NCS v2.5.1 and working on a project where I need to turn off the system using a button that triggers an interrupt on a GPIO. I want this GPIO to control a load switch to turn it on and off. Where both the GPIO and the load switch are part of the NPM1300. How can I achieve this using the nRF Connect SDK?

Is there any configuration available in overlay file? 

  • Yes, Earlier in my project, I set the nPM regulator in AUTO mode using the following lines:

    regulator-allowed-modes = <NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_AUTO>;
    regulator-initial-mode = <NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_AUTO>;

    I also deleted the PWM properties from Buck 2 using the following lines:

    /delete-property/ retention-gpios;
    /delete-property/ pwm-gpios;

    I also set the Buck 1 voltage to 3.3V using this line:

    regulator-init-microvolt = <3300000>;

    Additionally, I made other changes in the charger device, such as setting the charging current and maximum voltage, and those configurations are working.

    Here is the config file I used in my project:

     * Copyright (C) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
     * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    #include <dt-bindings/regulator/npm1300.h>
    #include <zephyr/dt-bindings/input/input-event-codes.h>
    #define NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_PFM 0x04U
    &arduino_i2c {
    	npm1300_ek_pmic: pmic@6b {
    		compatible = "nordic,npm1300";
    		reg = <0x6b>;
    		npm1300_ek_gpio: gpio-controller {
    			compatible = "nordic,npm1300-gpio";
    			#gpio-cells = <2>;
    			ngpios = <5>;
    		npm1300_ek_regulators: regulators {
    			compatible = "nordic,npm1300-regulator";
    			npm1300_ek_buck1: BUCK1 {
    				regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
    				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
    				regulator-init-microvolt = <3300000>;
    				retention-microvolt = <2500000>;
    				regulator-allowed-modes = <NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_AUTO>;
    				regulator-initial-mode = <NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_AUTO>;
    			npm1300_ek_buck2: BUCK2 {
    				regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
    				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
    				/delete-property/ regulator-init-microvolt;
    				retention-microvolt = <2500000>;
    				regulator-allowed-modes = <NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_AUTO>;
    				regulator-initial-mode = <NPM1300_BUCK_MODE_AUTO>;
    				enable-gpios = <&npm1300_ek_gpio 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
    				/delete-property/ retention-gpios;
    				/delete-property/ pwm-gpios;
    			npm1300_ek_ldo1: LDO1 {
    				regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
    				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
    				regulator-init-microvolt = <2500000>;
    				regulator-initial-mode = <NPM1300_LDSW_MODE_LDSW>;
    				// soft-start-microamp = <10000>;
    				enable-gpios = <&npm1300_ek_gpio 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
    			npm1300_ek_ldo2: LDO2 {
    				regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
    				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
    				regulator-init-microvolt = <2500000>;
    				regulator-initial-mode = <NPM1300_LDSW_MODE_LDO>;
    				// soft-start-microamp = <10000>;
    				enable-gpios = <&npm1300_ek_gpio 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
    		npm1300_ek_charger: charger {
    			compatible = "nordic,npm1300-charger";
    			term-microvolt = <4200000>;
    			term-warm-microvolt = <3600000>;
    			// term-current-percent = <20>;
    			current-microamp = <800000>;
    			// trickle-microvolt = <2900000>;
    			dischg-limit-microamp = <1000000>;
    			vbus-limit-microamp = <1500000>;
    			thermistor-ohms = <10000>;
    			thermistor-beta = <3380>;
    		npm1300_ek_leds: leds {
    			compatible = "nordic,npm1300-led";
    			nordic,led0-mode = "charging";
    			nordic,led1-mode = "charging";
    			nordic,led2-mode = "charging";

  • I have been able to reproduce the issue you have an have reported it to our devs as a potential bug.
    I will let you know as soon as they got some way to fix this (either by correcting our mistake or by finding the bug).

  • Hello, any update on this bug on the nPM1300 LDSW triggering.

  • The pin can be configured in the app. That should fix it:

    int err = gpio_pin_configure(pmic_gpio, 1, GPIO_INPUT | GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_PULL_UP);
    if (err) {
      printk("gpio_pin_configure=%d\n", err);

  • We've tried configuring the pin as suggested, but unfortunately, it's not working. We also attempted to set it up directly via I2C, but I couldn't find a solution that way either. Do you have any updates or additional suggestions on how to proceed with this?
