Help with LTE connection after loss of connection

We have noticed that several of our nRF9160 in production have problem with reconnecting to the LTE-M network after temporarily losing connection. We have tried reproducing this issue by deactivating the sim for about 10 seconds and then activating it again. After the default six retries it gives up and stop trying to reconnect to the network. the only way we can achieve a connection is if we do a sys_reboot() or a hard reboot with watchdog. Why is the reconnect attempts not enough? Why do we have to force a reboot? Attached are relevant logs.

  • LwM2M engine uses those mentioned CONFIG_COAP values. So all CoAP confirmable messages use same values. I don't see why it would make sense to modify these per message type. Any CoAP confirmable message refreshes the NAT mappings and allows server to communicate.

    Thank you for your answer.

    The reason it would make sense, for us at least, to modify these CONFIG_COAP values per message type is the following:

    We are satisfied with how lwm2m + COAP is working in all aspects apart from these 4min7s registation update timeouts. Here is some more concrete context:

    Let us suppose 1 out of every 1000 (0,1%) of all registration updates of a device end up reaching the default timeout. With a ping every 20s (180 pings/h), the board will become unreachable (i.e. unusable) for a whole 4min7s every 5h34min if these timeouts are evenly distributed.

    The issue we are dealing with is specific to the registration updates, and therefore we would like the solution to be specific to these requests. By changing the CONFIG_COAP values globally, we will be affecting all other lwm2m/COAP requests, which is something we rather not do.

    Maybe I am missing something, but why would we want to change the timeout for every single type of request when it is only one specific type of request that is problematic for us?

  • The issue we are dealing with is specific to the registration updates, and therefore we would like the solution to be specific to these requests.

    I would like to disagree with this claim. If you think about the communication layers

    When LwM2M messages are not going through, then there is problem on the CoAP layer. If CoAP messages are not going through, there is problem in DTLS layer. And same goes to DTLS; UDP, IP, etc..

    So if you cannot see response to messages on certain level, you cannot expect the layer below it works. On all confirmable CoAP messages, the server must respond. If it denies the request, it send either CoAP RESET or respond with a valid error code.

    All LwM2M messages are confirmable CoAP messages, so there must be a response.

    If you cannot see response for LwM2M Update message, then there must be a problem with the communication channel, either DTLS or UDP.

    • CoAP can only fail, if any of the layer below fails or there is too much packet loss.
    • DTLS can fail, if server has dropped the connection and is ignoring our messages.
    • UDP can fail if NAT mapping times out and server is therefore ignoring our messages.
    • IP and all layers below it can fail on various reasons.

    So my opinion is that registration failures are symptoms, not the root cause. If you tweak the solution around it, you might just hide the problem for now and cause issues somewhere else.

    Wireshark capture might reveal what the issue was.

    In the mean time try


    And make sure you have latest modem firmware so DTLS CID is able to work, also verify from Wireshark that Leshan also supports it.

  • So today, Tue 3 Sep around 08:33 GMT, we captured these logs through Wireshark:

    "457","136.143577","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "458","136.144005","","","AT","22","Sent AT Command: AT+CSCON=1"
    "459","136.144005","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "460","136.144401","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CFUN=1"
    "461","136.175651","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "462","142.327901","","","AT","30","Sent AT Command: AT%XMODEMTRACE=1,2"
    "463","142.328725","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "464","142.335225","","","AT","34","Sent AT Command: AT%XSYSTEMMODE=1,0,0,0"
    "465","142.336934","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "466","142.337330","","","AT","46","Sent AT Command: AT+CPSMS=1,,,""00000110"",""00001111"""
    "467","142.337453","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "468","142.338002","","","AT","19","Rcvd AT Command: ERROR "
    "469","142.338399","","","AT","32","Sent AT Command: AT+CEDRXS=2,4,""0001"""
    "470","142.338490","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "471","142.338887","","","AT","28","Sent AT Command: AT%XPTW=4,""0000"""
    "472","142.338978","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "473","142.339345","","","AT","32","Sent AT Command: AT+CEDRXS=2,5,""0000"""
    "474","142.339375","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "475","142.339772","","","AT","28","Sent AT Command: AT%XPTW=5,""0000"""
    "476","142.339802","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "477","142.340321","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT%RAI=0"
    "478","142.340352","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "479","142.340748","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE?"
    "480","142.340779","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CMEE: 0 OK "
    "481","142.347340","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=1"
    "482","142.347371","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "483","142.347798","","","AT","19","Sent AT Command: AT%CMNG"
    "484","142.350331","","","AT","29","Rcvd AT Command: +CME ERROR: 513 "
    "485","142.350728","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=0"
    "486","142.350758","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "487","142.351369","","","AT","19","Sent AT Command: AT+CGSN"
    "488","142.351430","","","AT","33","Rcvd AT Command: 350457792623843 OK "
    "489","142.352132","","","AT","24","Sent AT Command: AT%HWVERSION"
    "490","142.352254","","","AT","46","Rcvd AT Command: %HWVERSION: nRF9160 SIAA B1A OK "
    "491","142.392537","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE?"
    "492","142.392537","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CMEE: 0 OK "
    "493","142.392995","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=1"
    "494","142.392995","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "495","142.393452","","","AT","19","Sent AT Command: AT%CMNG"
    "496","142.422169","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "497","142.422627","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=0"
    "498","142.422627","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "499","142.423054","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE?"
    "500","142.423085","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CMEE: 0 OK "
    "501","142.423482","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=1"
    "502","142.423512","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "503","142.423939","","","AT","19","Sent AT Command: AT%CMNG"
    "504","142.452687","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "505","142.453145","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=0"
    "506","142.453145","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "507","142.453572","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE?"
    "508","142.453602","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CMEE: 0 OK "
    "509","142.460164","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=1"
    "510","142.460194","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "511","142.460591","","","AT","19","Sent AT Command: AT%CMNG"
    "512","142.489369","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "513","142.489827","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=0"
    "514","142.489827","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "515","142.526112","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE?"
    "516","142.526112","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CMEE: 0 OK "
    "517","142.532704","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=1"
    "518","142.532735","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "519","142.533192","","","AT","19","Sent AT Command: AT%CMNG"
    "520","142.561970","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "521","142.562428","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE=0"
    "522","142.562428","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "523","142.668873","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CEREG?"
    "524","142.668965","","","AT","29","Rcvd AT Command: +CEREG: 0,4 OK "
    "525","142.669392","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CFUN?"
    "526","142.669453","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CFUN: 0 OK "
    "527","142.669881","","","AT","22","Sent AT Command: AT+CEREG=5"
    "528","142.669911","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "529","142.670430","","","AT","36","Sent AT Command: AT%XT3412=1,5000,1200000"
    "530","142.670460","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "531","142.670918","","","AT","22","Sent AT Command: AT+CSCON=1"
    "532","142.670918","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "533","142.671315","","","AT","21","Sent AT Command: AT+CFUN=1"
    "534","142.702687","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "535","143.473561","","","LTE RRC DL_SCH","117","SystemInformationBlockType1"
    "536","143.519642","","","LTE RRC DL_SCH","117","SystemInformation [ SIB2 SIB3 ]"
    "537","443.552145","","","AT","30","Sent AT Command: AT%XMODEMTRACE=1,2"
    "538","443.552969","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "539","443.553457","","","AT","34","Sent AT Command: AT%XSYSTEMMODE=1,0,0,0"
    "540","443.555166","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "541","443.555563","","","AT","46","Sent AT Command: AT+CPSMS=1,,,""00000110"",""00001111"""
    "542","443.555685","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "543","443.556234","","","AT","19","Rcvd AT Command: ERROR "
    "544","443.556631","","","AT","32","Sent AT Command: AT+CEDRXS=2,4,""0001"""
    "545","443.556723","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "546","443.563131","","","AT","28","Sent AT Command: AT%XPTW=4,""0000"""
    "547","443.563223","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "548","443.563620","","","AT","32","Sent AT Command: AT+CEDRXS=2,5,""0000"""
    "549","443.563650","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "550","443.564047","","","AT","28","Sent AT Command: AT%XPTW=5,""0000"""
    "551","443.564077","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "552","443.564596","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT%RAI=0"
    "553","443.564627","","","AT","16","Rcvd AT Command: OK "
    "554","443.565023","","","AT","20","Sent AT Command: AT+CMEE?"
    "555","443.565054","","","AT","26","Rcvd AT Command: +CMEE: 0 OK "
    We will not be able to provide your with the full logs here because of security reasons. However, it is interesting to see that at entry 536 (143 s after 08:33 ) there is no more logs until the watchdog kicks in at 573 (5 minutes after entry 536 ).
    Here is a part of the logs from our Leshan server:
    2024-09-03T08:32:21.870346474Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:32:21.871047635Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:32:21.871058483Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:32:35.711550532Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:32:35.711585469Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [56]: new upper boundary [56], new bit vector [111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:32:35.713250473Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:32:35.713261494Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<MY_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:32:35.713266901Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:32:35.713271063Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <MY_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:32:41.308167383Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:32:41.308198335Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2878]: new upper boundary [2878], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:32:41.310311673Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:32:41.310326868Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:32:41.310919136Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:32:41.310929923Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:32:55.149629159Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:32:55.149658003Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [57]: new upper boundary [57], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:32:55.151266445Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:32:55.151277885Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<MY_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:32:55.151290799Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:32:55.151295040Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <MY_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:33:00.668352512Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:33:00.668385496Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2879]: new upper boundary [2879], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:33:00.670205199Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:33:00.670221346Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxxby RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:33:00.670227034Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:33:00.670231204Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:33:14.591684922Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:33:14.591719922Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [58]: new upper boundary [58], new bit vector [11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:33:14.593289049Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:33:14.593300720Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<MY_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:33:14.593306013Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:33:14.593310286Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <MY_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:33:20.035205405Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:33:20.035237700Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2880]: new upper boundary [2880], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:33:20.039082463Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:33:20.039098124Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:33:20.039103674Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:33:20.039107919Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:33:39.395464146Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:33:39.395505894Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2881]: new upper boundary [2881], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:33:39.398320629Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:33:39.398336298Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:33:39.398341549Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:33:39.398345621Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:33:58.828434694Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:33:58.828468411Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2882]: new upper boundary [2882], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:33:58.830074886Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:33:58.830089843Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:33:58.830095358Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:33:58.830099536Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:34:18.188468784Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:34:18.188500726Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2883]: new upper boundary [2883], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:34:18.190197737Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:34:18.190213112Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:34:18.190218550Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:34:18.190222728Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:34:37.628483161Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:34:37.628520857Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2884]: new upper boundary [2884], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:34:37.630136697Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    2024-09-03T08:34:37.630152299Z - Updated registration org.eclipse.leshan.server.registration.UpdatedRegistration@xxxx by RegistrationUpdate [registrationId=<REG_ID>, identity=Identity /<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>[psk=<OTHER_DEVICE>], lifeTimeInSec=null, smsNumber=null, bindingMode=null, objectLinks=null]
    2024-09-03T08:34:37.630166175Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:34:37.630170366Z - Dispatching UPDATED event from endpoint <OTHER_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:34:47.599038933Z [Presence Service] DEBUG c.q.iot.servlet.EventServlet
    2024-09-03T08:34:47.599071673Z - Dispatching SLEEPING event from endpoint <MY_DEVICE>
    2024-09-03T08:34:57.068415605Z [DTLS-Worker-] DEBUG o.e.c.s.dtls.DTLSSession
    2024-09-03T08:34:57.068446187Z - Updated receive window with sequence number [2885]: new upper boundary [2885], new bit vector [1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111]
    2024-09-03T08:34:57.070463768Z [CoapServer(main)#1] DEBUG o.e.l.s.r.RegistrationHandler
    We can see that Leshan considers the device to have fallen asleep 93s after its last (successful) registration update.
    We also managed to capture logs through Cellular Monitor. How would you like us to send the .mtrace file? We would rather not do it here in the forum, since these logs might contain sensitive data.
    In the meantime, we will try the other config values that you suggested  
  • I see that you still have these quite agressive power saving settings enabled:

    Request active time of 30s, then sleep for one hour.

    Request eDRX cycle of 10.24s.

    Request paging time window of 1.28s.
    I don't think this is a root case, but it may cause timeout issues.
    If you are willing to share the .pcap or .mtrace file, you can send me an email. firstname.surname at
    first= seppo, surname=takalo.
  • Thank you  

    # Configure PSM mode
    # Request periodic TAU of 3600 seconds (60 minutes)

    # Set Requested Active Time (RAT) to 30 seconds. Preferably same as the
    # configured LWM2M_QUEUE_MODE_UPTIME. Due to NAT/firewall UDP connections are usually
    # closed within 30-60 seconds so there is in general no point in setting a longer
    # Queue mode uptime / LTE PSM active time.

    # Request eDRX mode

    # Requested eDRX cycle length for LTE-M and Nb-IoT
    # This should be fine-tuned for the network and the chosen server.
    # Lowest value is the most responsive, but uses more energy during the active eDRX period.
    # Longer period may cause more CoAP packet drops on server requests.
    # "0000" is 5.12 s
    # "0001" is 10.24 s
    # "0010" is 20.48 s.
    Do you think we could try to do anything more than disable PSM mode as well as eDRX (and the other flags that you suggested earlier)? What other values concerning power saving could we disable?