nRF54H20-dk flash failed

Hello there Smiley

We seem to have a similar problem as this thread:  nrf54h20-dk flash failed.

After trying to first flash the dk normally via VS Code, I found and followed this tutorial:

Then I tried to flash the dk again with the Blinky example code via VS Code, which was "successfull", however the board did not blink as expected.

After that, I saw the other thread, that this may be the issue and followed the instructions and used the following commands:

nrfutil device x-boot-mode-set --boot-mode safe --traits jlink
nrfutil device erase --all --log-level trace --core Application --traits jlink
nrfutil device erase --all --log-level trace --core Network --traits jlink
nrfutil device x-boot-mode-set --boot-mode normal --traits jlink

However, now when trying to flash the BICR again, the following error appears:

[Serial No.] Failed, [Probe] Device is protected...

I tried running nrfutil device recover, which runs successfully, however the error message still appears.

Please advise on how to continue.

