SUIT Firmware Update on nRF54h20


I'm following the guide here:

I have checked out the smp_transfer example and have compiled it for UART and no external flash. 

The following command compiles the executable successfully. 

west build -p -b nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp -- -DCONFIG_N_BLINKS=1

I then flash using west flash --snr 1051177921

This returns succesfully...

I do not see anything happening on the LEDs on the board. I also see no response when conencting via UART. 

I have tried probing via mcumgr:

 /Users/chris/go/bin/mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring "dev=/dev/tty.usbmodem0010511779213,baud=115200" image list

However, it returns with a timeout. 

I do not understand why the example is not running. I have also tried compiling with the Bluetooth option with no difference. 

I have got v0.8.0 hardware.

Thank you

