1,To develop 54H20 based on sdk v2.7.99-cs1, it is necessary to use a development kit provided by the customer. The cmake information of the development kit is as follows:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22) project(QLink) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES CONFIGURE_DEPENDS src/*.h src/*.c src/*.cpp headers/*.h) add_library(QLink STATIC ${SOURCES}) target_include_directories(QLink PUBLIC ./headers) target_compile_features(QLink PUBLIC cxx_std_11) if(Qt6_FOUND) target_link_libraries(QLink PUBLIC Qt6::Core) endif() if(Qt6_FOUND AND QLINK_ENABLE_LOGGING) target_compile_definitions(QLink PUBLIC QLINK_ENABLE_LOGGING) endif() add_library(QLinkInternal INTERFACE) target_include_directories(QLinkInternal INTERFACE src) if(QLINK_ENABLE_TESTS) target_compile_definitions(QLink PUBLIC QLINK_ENABLE_TESTS) endif()
2,A compilation error is reported with the following information
CMake Error at src/QLink/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required): CMake 3.22 or higher is required. You are running version 3.21.0
3, c++ related errors are also reported if cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22) is changed to cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20). According to the query information, gcc v4.9 or clang v3.3 is required to support it
target_compile_features no known features for CXX compiler