@Michael Dietz
Hi Michael! I am not sure what happened to my last question regarding the BLE example using Segger Embedded Studio. It is no longer visible in the post comments.
I have now added the preprocessor definitions you mentioned. I am installing Keil on my Windows PC to check the definitions as well.
One other thing I noticed is that when I import the Blinky example into SES only one project is created in the Project Explorer, but when I import the ble_app_hrs_s132_pca10040 example two apparently identical folders are created...
Is that correct?
I have now tried to delete one of the folders and add/change everything as we have discussed and now I am able to compile and run the code.
When I open the nRF Toolbox App on the HRM screen the device is not visible though. I have downloaded and verified the s132 softdevice.
If I try to start a debug session I get a 'stopped by vector catch' error (0x7bc 4B01 ldr r3, 0x000007C4).
What can cause this issue?