BLE Peripheral to Central Data Transmission Issue


We're planning to integrate ble_app_uart and ble_app_uart_c into our project. Before integration, we tested the ble_app_uart example code on one development board. After powering it up, we connected the board using the nRF Connect app and were able to send and receive data.

For the next test, we flashed ble_app_uart_c onto one development board for the central part and ble_app_uart onto another for the peripheral. Upon powering both boards, they connected via BLE, and we could send data from the central to the connected peripheral device. However, we couldn't send data from the peripheral to the central. What could be the issue?

When we turned off the central development board and connected the ble_app_uart-flashed peripheral board to the nRF Connect app, we were able to send and receive data between the app and the board.

Project Details:

  • SDK: nRF5 SDK 17.0.2
  • IDE: SEGGER Embedded Studio 5.42a
  • Controller: nRF52832
  • Development boards: PCA10040 NRF52832

Thank you for your support.

Best regards, SILTVM

  • Hey Siltvm,
    see log message for better understanding the issue,
    when i send data from peripheral to central the log messages is;

    UART started.

    Send:(16:25:44) string
    Rec:(16:25:44)uart : s
    uart : st
    uart : str
    uart : stri
    uart : strin
    uart : string
    uart_receive : string
    Received data from BLE NUS. Writing data on UART.

    BLEDataBuff : string

     central side;

    BLE UART central example started.

    Rec:(16:25:20)ATT MTU exchange completed.
    Ble NUS max data length set to 0xF4(244)
    Discovery complete.
    Connected to device with Nordic UART Service.

    Rec:(16:25:45)Receiving data.

    and then i send data from central device but data can not receives by peripheral device.
