Migration issue 2.7.0 -> 2.9.0 with NET_EVENT_WPA_SUPP_IFACE_ADDED


The following code : 

net_mgmt_init_event_callback(&sWifiInitCb, wifi_wpa_supp_iface_added_cb, NET_EVENT_WPA_SUPP_IFACE_ADDED);

Was working fine in 2.7.0. The callback was called and the event was NET_EVENT_WPA_SUPP_IFACE_ADDED. It is declared in nrf/blabla/supp_events.h but in 2.9.0, this file doesn't exist anymore.

The migration guide tells that WPA_SUPP is replaced by WIFI_NM_WPA_SUPPLICANT but NET_EVENT_WIFI_NM_WPA_SUPPLICANT_IFACE_ADDED doesn't exist. I modified the code as the following : 

	net_mgmt_init_event_callback(&sWifiInitCb, wifi_wpa_supp_iface_added_cb, NET_EVENT_SUPPLICANT_IFACE_ADDED);

NET_EVENT_SUPPLICANT_IFACE_ADDED is declared in zephyr/blabla/supp_events.h but the callback is not executed anymore. 

How do I fix this? 

Thank you for your help
