Matter application on nrf52840 custom board


board : nrf52840 custom board

sdk : nrf connect sdk v2.6.1

example: matter light bulb


After the code is burned in, the system not working, I have modified and added the following config in the prj.conf file


What settings do I need to modify to run the matter blub sample on the custom board?

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately we don't have an overview over an third party modules based on the nRF52840 which might be suited. You would have to reach out to your regional sales manager and/or a your SoC/Module distributor for any input w.r.t any suited third party modules that might be useful. Make sure that you choose a nRF52840 module which meets the criteria w.r.t external flash in the link I sent in my previous contact and let me know if you need the contact information for your Nordic regional sales manager in your area and I'll forward it to you

    Kind regards,
