I am new on developing with nordic tools and I have a problem that probably would be very easy to solve.
I have a nrf9161DK and 2 custom boards based on nrf9160 and nrf9161.
I would like to use the serial lte modem SLM on the nrf9161 custom board.
My problem is that on my custom boards I can compile and run only the following cases,in other cases the board does not answer the AT commands, however they are running as my debuger shows.
BOARD__________NCS______build for_________________results
nrf9161DK_______ 2.8.0______nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns______ compile, works fine
nrf9160 custom___ 2.4.2_____ nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns______ compile, works fine
nrf9160 custom___ 2.8.0_____ nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns______ compile, no answer to AT commands
nrf9161 custom___ 2.8.0_____ nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns______ compile, no answer to AT commands
Of course this custom boards work fine with Hello world and USART communications examples.
I thougth it had to do with the device tree and board description. So I copy the nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns files and rename to a new set of files making a custom board x9161 , that initially is the same nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns
Started simplifying the device tree taking care that the SLM works on the nrf9161DK and expecting that in some point it will work on my 9161 custom board.
I reduced the new board files to a minimum, removing almost al peripherialls, keeping only UART0 and still is the same situation:
BOARD_________NCS_________ build for
nrf9161DK_______2.8.0________ x9161__________compile, works fine
nrf9161 custom___2.8.0_________x9161_________ compile, no answer to AT
My custom boards are very simple they only contain the nrf9161 IC ,the same as the schematic in:
nRF9161_PS_v1.0.pdf (4510_057 v1.0) page 454
Seems like the SLM software for NCS 2.8.0 recognizes that it is not running on a nrf9161DK board.
Can you please help, I need to use my nrf9161 custom boards with the SLM app.
Thanks very much in advance