We are producing products with nRF5232.
This time, a defect has occurred and we are reviewing it, but the analysis is not working well, so we are asking for help.
1) Visually, there is no problem with the PCB.
2) The voltages on the power pins of nRF52832 are all normal.
3) J-Link is connected, but in debugging mode, it does not enter the Main statement.
ㄴ Of course, advertising or other peripheral devices do not work.
4) The current is fixed at around 5~10mA.
5) Although there was no problem with the naked eye, I tried replacing the 32.768kHz crystal, but it did not solve the problem.
6) This is the first problem that has appeared while producing more than 100,000 units, and it is thought to be a PCB production issue rather than a design error.
Is there anything to consider due to the above symptoms?