Supervision timeout does not expire during 120hz data streaming


I am using an two nrf5340 with hci_ipc enabled one acting as central and one as peripheral built on v2.9.0

The issue I am having is that the supervision timeout doesn't expire when I hard reset the peripheral whilst sending data (len 91) via notifications at 120hz .

My current fix is to set CONFIG_BT_ATT_LOG_LEVEL_DBG=y which then doesn't miss a supervision timeout event. This doesn't feel like a good long term solution to fixing whatever timing issue this is. Please could you help me.  

Problem Flow from Central perspective:

  1. Scan and connect
  2. Characteristic and CCC descriptor discovery
  3. Enable Notifications
  4. Central MTU Updated TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
  5. PHY updated: TX PHY 2M, RX PHY 2M
  6. Connection Params:interval 7.50 ms, latency 1, timeout 100 ms
  7. start stream data over notifications at 120hz
  8. wait 3 seconds
  9. Hit reset on peripheral 
  10. Central Hangs indefinitely with no supervision timeout 
  • Hi,

    I built the code you shared from Github, but can you explain in detail how it should be used to reproduce the issue (I just naively followed intrusctions by pressing button 1 and button 1 again on the central, but a connection is never initiated (though the peripheral is found).

    PS: I see many warnings when building both the central and peripheral code. At first glacne non seems likely relevant for this issue, but I would advice that you make the code build free of warnings to avoid that a stream of irrelevant warning possibly mask an important one.

  • Hi einar,

    yes sorry for not giving instructions.

    • press button one to scan
    • type though serial monitor  bt connect <number on scan list>
    • Type through serial monitor bt sensors  <peripheral name> 
    • Type through serial monitor bt stream <peripheral name> on

    to see other available commands type bt

  • Hi,

    I see. When I test like you described, and reset the peripheral, I get the disconnected callback as expected

    ble_central:~$ *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.8.0-a2386bfc8401 ***
    *** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-0bc3393fb112 ***
    [00:00:00.371,398] <inf> Main: Settings loaded successfully
    [00:00:00.371,582] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Starting Bluetooth initialization...
    [00:00:00.397,949] <inf> bt_hci_core: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
    [00:00:00.397,979] <inf> bt_hci_core: HW Variant: nRF53x (0x0003)
    [00:00:00.398,010] <inf> bt_hci_core: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 254.63788 Build 573996906
    [00:00:00.433,898] <inf> bt_hci_core: No ID address. App must call settings_load()
    [00:00:00.434,204] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Loading name 'BT_i2cHub' from settings for key dev/e1d2a52b851d
    [00:00:00.434,234] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Stored name 'BT_i2cHub' in runtime array[0]
    [00:00:00.435,974] <inf> bt_hci_core: Identity: FB:41:15:82:AA:13 (random)
    [00:00:00.436,004] <inf> bt_hci_core: HCI: version 6.0 (0x0e) revision 0x204e, manufacturer 0x0059
    [00:00:00.436,065] <inf> bt_hci_core: LMP: version 6.0 (0x0e) subver 0x204e
    [00:00:00.438,415] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Loaded peer names:
    [00:00:00.438,537] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: [0] Address: E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random), Name: BT_i2cHub
    [00:00:00.438,537] <inf> Main: Central device started. Press Button 1 to start scanning
    ble_central:~$ bt scan
    Scanning started
    [00:00:04.028,808] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Starting active scan... (interval: 0x0060, window: 0x0030)
    [00:00:06.033,355] <inf> Main: 
                                   Currently found devices:
    [00:00:06.033,386] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found devices (9):
    [00:00:06.033,508] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 1: [BT_i2cHub] Address: E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random), Manufacturer: [Nordic Semiconductor], RSSI: -24
    [00:00:06.033,630] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 2: [(unknown)] Address: 75:FA:27:65:18:63 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -37
    [00:00:06.033,752] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 3: [(unknown)] Address: 41:05:72:C8:7D:A7 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:06.033,874] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 4: [(unknown)] Address: FA:BB:BF:78:F9:2D (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:06.033,996] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 5: [(unknown)] Address: 6F:1A:00:DC:75:46 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:06.034,118] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 6: [(unknown)] Address: 40:F2:84:C7:18:0A (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -55
    [00:00:06.034,240] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 7: [(unknown)] Address: FE:96:72:E1:AC:C6 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -64
    [00:00:06.034,362] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 8: [(unknown)] Address: F3:1C:72:34:A6:C0 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -76
    [00:00:06.034,515] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 9: [(unknown)] Address: 72:8A:D3:10:3F:64 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -77
    [00:00:08.034,606] <inf> Main: 
                                   Currently found devices:
    [00:00:08.034,637] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found devices (10):
    [00:00:08.034,759] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 1: [BT_i2cHub] Address: E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random), Manufacturer: [Nordic Semiconductor], RSSI: -24
    [00:00:08.034,881] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 2: [(unknown)] Address: 75:FA:27:65:18:63 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -37
    [00:00:08.035,003] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 3: [(unknown)] Address: 41:05:72:C8:7D:A7 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:08.035,125] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 4: [(unknown)] Address: FA:BB:BF:78:F9:2D (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:08.035,247] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 5: [(unknown)] Address: 6F:1A:00:DC:75:46 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:08.035,369] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 6: [(unknown)] Address: 40:F2:84:C7:18:0A (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -63
    [00:00:08.035,491] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 7: [(unknown)] Address: 51:BC:DD:71:55:D6 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -55
    [00:00:08.035,614] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 8: [(unknown)] Address: FE:96:72:E1:AC:C6 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -64
    [00:00:08.035,766] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 9: [(unknown)] Address: F3:1C:72:34:A6:C0 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -76
    [00:00:08.035,888] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 10: [(unknown)] Address: 72:8A:D3:10:3F:64 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -77
    [00:00:10.036,010] <inf> Main: 
                                   Currently found devices:
    [00:00:10.036,041] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found devices (10):
    [00:00:10.036,163] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 1: [BT_i2cHub] Address: E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random), Manufacturer: [Nordic Semiconductor], RSSI: -24
    [00:00:10.036,285] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 2: [(unknown)] Address: 75:FA:27:65:18:63 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -37
    [00:00:10.036,407] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 3: [(unknown)] Address: 41:05:72:C8:7D:A7 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:10.036,529] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 4: [(unknown)] Address: FA:BB:BF:78:F9:2D (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:10.036,651] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 5: [(unknown)] Address: 6F:1A:00:DC:75:46 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -38
    [00:00:10.036,773] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 6: [(unknown)] Address: 40:F2:84:C7:18:0A (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -62
    [00:00:10.036,895] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 7: [(unknown)] Address: 51:BC:DD:71:55:D6 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -55
    [00:00:10.037,017] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 8: [(unknown)] Address: FE:96:72:E1:AC:C6 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -64
    [00:00:10.037,170] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 9: [(unknown)] Address: F3:1C:72:34:A6:C0 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -76
    [00:00:10.037,292] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 10: [(unknown)] Address: 72:8A:D3:10:3F:64 (random), Manufacturer: [Apple], RSSI: -89
    ble_central:~$ bt scan stop
    Scanning stopped
    ble_central:~$ bt connect 1
    Connecting to device 1...
    [00:00:19.555,694] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Attempting to connect to device 1: [BT_i2cHub] at address E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random)
    [00:00:19.556,701] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Connecting to device 1: [BT_i2cHub]...
    [00:00:19.570,739] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Central MTU Updated for E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random): TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
    [00:00:19.571,105] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Connected with supervision timeout: 500 ms
    [00:00:19.571,105] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Connected
    [00:00:19.571,136] <inf> Main: Connected to peripheral device
    [00:00:19.647,216] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Security changed: level 2
    [00:00:19.669,982] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Central MTU Updated for E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random): TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
    [00:00:19.714,630] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Connection parameters updated: interval 7.50 ms, latency 1, timeout 500 ms
    [00:00:19.782,226] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Security changed: level 2
    [00:00:19.864,379] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: PHY updated: TX PHY 2M, RX PHY 2M
    [00:00:19.909,667] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Discovery phase complete
    [00:00:19.917,327] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Connection parameters updated: interval 7.50 ms, latency 1, timeout 500 ms
    [00:00:19.925,842] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: PHY updated: TX PHY 2M, RX PHY 2M
    [00:00:19.939,758] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Discovery phase complete
    [00:00:19.954,681] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found target characteristic - handle: 16, value handle: 19
    [00:00:19.954,681] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Starting CCC discovery from handle 20 to 29 (looking for UUID 0x2902)
    [00:00:19.984,680] <err> Bluetooth_Central: CCC descriptor not found
    [00:00:19.999,755] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found target characteristic - handle: 17, value handle: 18
    [00:00:19.999,755] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Starting CCC discovery from handle 19 to 28 (looking for UUID 0x2902)
    [00:00:20.014,739] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found descriptor at handle 19 with UUID 2902
    [00:00:20.014,770] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Found CCC descriptor
    [00:00:20.029,663] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: CCC Discovery completed successfully
    [00:00:20.029,663] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Enabling notifications (value handle: 18, ccc handle: 19)
    [00:00:20.029,785] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Successfully subscribed to notifications
    [00:00:20.029,876] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sent sensor info request to 'BT_i2cHub', timestamp: 20029
    [00:00:20.029,907] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Automatically sent sensor info request
    [00:00:20.029,907] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Notifications enabled successfully
    [00:00:20.196,441] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 0, Other packets: 1
    [00:00:20.196,472] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Received device information:
    [00:00:20.196,502] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Controller: BT_i2cHub
    [00:00:20.196,533] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Address: E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1
    [00:00:20.196,533] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Type: 0x1010
    [00:00:20.196,563] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Firmware: 1.00
    [00:00:20.196,563] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Battery: 100.0%
    [00:00:20.196,594] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Status: 0x01
    [00:00:20.196,594] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Number of sensors: 3
    [00:00:20.196,594] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 
                                                Sensor Instance 1:
    [00:00:20.196,594] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Peripheral Instance ID: 1
    [00:00:20.196,624] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connected: Yes
    [00:00:20.196,655] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Sensor Type: 0x0001
    [00:00:20.196,655] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reading Size: 2
    [00:00:20.196,655] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Data Rate: 100 Hz
    [00:00:20.196,655] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Reading: 0.00
    [00:00:20.196,685] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Update: 20
    [00:00:20.196,685] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 
                                                Sensor Instance 2:
    [00:00:20.196,685] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Peripheral Instance ID: 2
    [00:00:20.196,716] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connected: Yes
    [00:00:20.196,716] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Sensor Type: 0x0002
    [00:00:20.196,746] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reading Size: 1
    [00:00:20.196,746] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Data Rate: 50 Hz
    [00:00:20.196,746] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Reading: 0.00
    [00:00:20.196,777] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Update: 20
    [00:00:20.196,777] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 
                                                Sensor Instance 3:
    [00:00:20.196,777] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Peripheral Instance ID: 3
    [00:00:20.196,807] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connected: Yes
    [00:00:20.196,807] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Sensor Type: 0x0003
    [00:00:20.196,838] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reading Size: 2
    [00:00:20.196,838] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Data Rate: 25 Hz
    [00:00:20.196,838] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Reading: 0.00
    [00:00:20.196,868] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Update: 20
    ble_central:~$ bt sensors BT_i2cHub 
    Sensor info request sent successfully
    [00:00:38.859,985] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sent sensor info request to 'BT_i2cHub', timestamp: 38859
    [00:00:39.021,423] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 0, Other packets: 1
    [00:00:39.021,453] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Received device information:
    [00:00:39.021,484] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Controller: BT_i2cHub
    [00:00:39.021,514] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Address: E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1
    [00:00:39.021,514] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Type: 0x1010
    [00:00:39.021,545] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Firmware: 1.00
    [00:00:39.021,545] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Battery: 100.0%
    [00:00:39.021,575] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Status: 0x01
    [00:00:39.021,575] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Number of sensors: 3
    [00:00:39.021,606] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 
                                                Sensor Instance 1:
    [00:00:39.021,606] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Peripheral Instance ID: 1
    [00:00:39.021,636] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connected: Yes
    [00:00:39.021,636] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Sensor Type: 0x0001
    [00:00:39.021,636] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reading Size: 2
    [00:00:39.021,636] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Data Rate: 100 Hz
    [00:00:39.021,667] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Reading: 0.00
    [00:00:39.021,667] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Update: 20
    [00:00:39.021,697] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 
                                                Sensor Instance 2:
    [00:00:39.021,697] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Peripheral Instance ID: 2
    [00:00:39.021,728] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connected: Yes
    [00:00:39.021,728] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Sensor Type: 0x0002
    [00:00:39.021,728] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reading Size: 1
    [00:00:39.021,728] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Data Rate: 50 Hz
    [00:00:39.021,759] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Reading: 0.00
    [00:00:39.021,759] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Update: 20
    [00:00:39.021,759] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: 
                                                Sensor Instance 3:
    [00:00:39.021,789] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Peripheral Instance ID: 3
    [00:00:39.021,789] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connected: Yes
    [00:00:39.021,820] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Sensor Type: 0x0003
    [00:00:39.021,820] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reading Size: 2
    [00:00:39.021,820] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Data Rate: 25 Hz
    [00:00:39.021,850] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Reading: 0.00
    [00:00:39.021,850] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Last Update: 20
    ble_central:~$ bt stream BT_i2cHub on
    Data stream request sent successfully
    [00:00:42.538,330] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sent data stream request to 'BT_i2cHub' for 3 sensors
    [00:00:42.538,360] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 0: ID=1, Type=0x0001, Rate=100Hz
    [00:00:42.538,391] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 1: ID=2, Type=0x0002, Rate=50Hz
    [00:00:42.538,391] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 2: ID=3, Type=0x0003, Rate=25Hz
    [00:00:42.696,441] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 1, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:42.696,472] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 1 reading: 102.00, time: 41
    [00:00:42.696,472] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 2 reading: 51.00, time: 41
    [00:00:42.696,502] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 3 reading: -102.00, time: 41
    [00:00:42.696,502] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 4 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:42.696,533] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 5 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:42.696,563] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 6 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:43.716,430] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 115, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:44.721,954] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:45.726,715] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:46.731,750] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:47.001,434] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 1 reading: 51.00, time: 45
    [00:00:47.001,464] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 2 reading: 0.00, time: 45
    [00:00:47.001,495] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 3 reading: 51.00, time: 45
    [00:00:47.001,495] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 4 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:47.001,525] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 5 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:47.001,525] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 6 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:47.743,927] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 117, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:48.748,901] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:49.753,936] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:50.758,941] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:51.763,946] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 119, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:52.003,967] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 1 reading: -51.00, time: 50
    [00:00:52.003,967] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 2 reading: 102.00, time: 50
    [00:00:52.003,997] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 3 reading: -102.00, time: 50
    [00:00:52.003,997] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 4 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:52.004,028] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 5 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:52.004,028] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Sensor 6 reading: 0.00, time: 39
    [00:00:52.768,920] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 114, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:53.788,909] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Last second - Stream packets: 120, Other packets: 0
    [00:00:54.769,805] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Disconnect callback triggered for E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random)
    [00:00:54.769,836] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Reason code: 0x08
    [00:00:54.769,836] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connection pointer: 0x20003de0
    [00:00:54.769,866] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Connection state: Connected
    [00:00:54.769,866] <inf> Bluetooth_Central:   Notifications state: 1
    [00:00:54.769,927] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Disconnected: SUPERVISION TIMEOUT from E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random)
    [00:00:54.769,927] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Attempting to disable notifications during disconnect...
    [00:00:54.769,927] <err> Bluetooth_Central: Failed to unsubscribe from notifications (err -128)
    [00:00:54.769,927] <inf> Bluetooth_Central: Notifications disabled during disconnect
    [00:00:54.769,989] <wrn> Bluetooth_Central: Found lingering connection to address E1:D2:A5:2B:85:1D (random)
    [00:00:54.770,019] <inf> Main: Disconnected from peripheral device

    This is using nRF Connect sdk 2.9 without modifications, and your projects from Github without modifications (this means that I stil have CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL=n and CONFIG_BT_ATT_LOG_LEVEL_DBG=n).

    Do I need to do anythign else to reproduce?

  • Hi Einar,

    Thanks for running the code.

    I’m now very confused, with the same code running standard nrf connect sdk 2.9 on an nrf5340dk I do not get the supervision timeout. How many times have you repeated the test? 

    do you have any suggestions as to what else the difference between our setups could be?

  • Hi,

    I only tested once before, but tested a few times more now wihtout seeing any issue. Does it only happen sometimes when you test? Do you have any changes in the SDK files that could explain differences we are seeing (you can check with "west status")?
