USB NEXT loopback class with linux testusb util

HI all,

I'm trying to run the USB next stack-based loopback class with Linux testusb. and only very few of them been passed and everything else been timed out.

I confirmed that device descriptor is correct and I replaced the loopback.c that been shipped with ncs 2.9 to the latest.

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  • Hi Hieu, 

    Apiologies for, not properly describing the testing process.

    I'm not using any samples provided with zephyr.

    however, I'm using zephyr\samples\subsys\usb\common as my initiating functions.

    with zephyr\subsys\usb\device_next\class\loopback.c by Enabling the CONFIG_USBD_LOOPBACK_CLASS and CONFIG_USB_DEVICE_STACK_NEXT.

    I did replace the ncs2.9 loopback.c file with one in the mainstream. due to missing functions that needed 

    my main.c is 


    static void msg_cb(struct usbd_context *const usbd_ctx,
                       const struct usbd_msg *const msg)
            LOG_INF("USBD message: %s", usbd_msg_type_string(msg->type));
            if (usbd_can_detect_vbus(usbd_ctx))
                    if (msg->type == USBD_MSG_VBUS_READY)
                            if (usbd_enable(usbd_ctx))
                                    LOG_ERR("Failed to enable device support");
                    if (msg->type == USBD_MSG_VBUS_REMOVED)
                            if (usbd_disable(usbd_ctx))
                                    LOG_ERR("Failed to disable device support");
    int main(void)
            struct usbd_context *sample_usbd;
            int ret;
            sample_usbd = sample_usbd_init_device(msg_cb);
            if (!usbd_can_detect_vbus(sample_usbd))
                    ret = usbd_enable(sample_usbd);
                            if (ret)
                                    LOG_ERR("Failed to enable usb support !");
                                    return ret;
            return 0;

    Yes, I'm using the test that you mentioned above.  

    even though above test(s) failing ,  I managed to do vender request loopback and blk-out transaction with libusb (lusb-1.0) based application  

    before approaching this method I also ran the zephyr-testusb sample that included with ncs2.9  against linux-testusb and it passes all the tests. which also based on usb next api (If I correctly understand the sample)

    so I'm curious to know, compatibility of loopback class with linux-testusb.


    Thank you 

  • Is sample_usbd_init_device a custom function from you?

    I looked into the testusb sample, and it doesn't use the Next stack by default. See testusb/prj.conf.
    The USB Shell sample uses the Next stacks and also supports the Loopback class though. Could you please give it a try?

  • sample_usbd_init_device is comming from zephyr\samples\subsys\usb\common\.

    You are right about the zephyr-testusb it,s not using the Next stack. 

    I found the following commit   samples: usb: testusb: use new USB device stack by jfischer-no · Pull Request #85929 · zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr tring to do exactly what I want. but it was not merged yet.

    let me try the shell example and get back to you, Thanks for assist

  • Hi Hieu,

    USB hell is working to an extent that I can get a better understanding of the loopback.c  (Since Shell commands also using content of  loopback.c).  but as far as linux-testusb goes I cannot get it to working. I will monitor the pull request. Thank you  
