In a custom board, my only leds are driven by the PMIC gpios.
Is it possible to use them for mcuboot ?
In a custom board, my only leds are driven by the PMIC gpios.
Is it possible to use them for mcuboot ?
Yes. A sample dts would be appricated.
The nPM1300 One-Button sample sets up the nPM1300 LED drivers in the application.
Look at how this adds Kconfig options and DTS files for the LED driver.
Then add those to MCUboot overlays, with sysbuild/mcuboot.conf and sysbuild/mcuboot.overlay.
With this, when MCUboot use the LED drivers to toggle the LED, this should automatically use nPM1300 drivers instead.
isn't that mcuboot uses gpio api instead of led? how this supposed to work?
MCUboot uses gpio_pin_set_dt.
led_on uses gpio_pin_set_dt
ah cool, thank you! will try out today