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Single bank Bootloader is over 16k when generating zip file for OTA

Hi there,

I have a nrf51422CEAA chip with 16k variant with single bank bootloader code. I compile it using (03) optimazation and the final result is :

"Program Size: Code=12000 RO-data=332 RW-data=1248 ZI-data=3976"

My Keil setting is what this support group suggested. And these are: IROM1: 0x3C000 - 0x3C00 IRAM1: 0x20002C00 - 0x1380 IRAM2: 0x20003F80 - 0x80 (noint, checked)

I deleted all the button and LED component code save ROM and RAM. This bootloader is using s310_nrf51422_3.0.0_softdevice and working good with my app code and softdevice and but manually flashing it using Keil.

But when I make a zip for bootloader OTA, the size is more than 16k.

Will you help me solve this problem. I wanted to OTA the bootloader.

Thanks, MC With_BANK_VALID_APP_bt.hex nrf51422_xxac.hex
