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Receive BLE beacon on TWI from nrf51422

We have a new daughter board connected via I2C to an Atmel controller. What we need to do is load the right softstack onto the NRF and then send the needed commands to tell it to start advertising and whatever we need to do to receive any beacons it detects.

Is there a simple explanation of the steps needed and are there any similar example projects available ?

  • You will then be an "observer", which is a device which scans for the advertisement packets of other devices (a beacon packet is a special advertisement packet). The s110 is not suited as it cannot take the "observer" role.You should use Softdevice S130.

    On the nRF51, you can assign i2c,SPI and UART pins at runtime. This means that you do not HAVE to use i2c, if your host controller can use the pins for other serial interfaces as well.

    It seems to me that you would benefit from learning a bit about BLE in general. This will help you understand our SDK and API's later on. I have linked some resources above. You can also check out our youtube channel, and other guides like this on on adafruit. This book is also worth a read.

  • Thank you, Anders. I appreciate your patience and the information. I admit I have not fully read up on BLE yet, mostly because we are on a super accelerated schedule to get the nRF51 up and running for FCC/CE testing. I have the nRF51-DK arriving in the mail today and plan on dedicating my weekend to learning BLE and playing with the kit.
