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DM_EVT_DEVICE_CONTEXT_DELETED notified dm_device_delete

I'd like to do the same thing : how to use dm_device_delete

  • nRF51822 S110 v8.0.0
  • nRF51 SDK v10.0.0

I test Nexus5, Nexus7, iPad mini for peer device. Nexus5 and iPad mini work well, but Nexus7 always fails.

"dm_device_delete_all_except_this()" is called in DM_EVT_SECURITY_SETUP_COMPLETE and returns NRF_SUCCESS.
System event dispatch function called with NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_SUCCESS 3times and NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_ERROR 3times.
And DM_EVT_DEVICE_CONTEXT_DELETED is notified(event_result=0x000D).

"dm_device_delete_all_except_this()" is called in DM_EVT_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STORED or DM_EVT_SERVICE_CONTEXT_STORED, and it sames.

What can I do ?


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