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How to retrieve information from Soft Device

Hi all,

I am currently working on the nRF51422 with the S110 version of the Softdevice. The SDK version is 8.1.0.

I tried to get some information back from the Softdevice itself without using a BLE connection in my application. I have done some manipulation (especially using the handle number of my serv/char) with the S130 but it seems that the S110 is a bit different. My problems and also my questioning are:

  1. Using the ble_gatts.h library in S130 I used the function "sd_ble_gatts_attr_get" to get a correlation between uuid and handle number. The function is not available in the S110? Why?

  2. Is there any other way, except from the function used in 1. to retrieve information from the SD using S110? (Handle and uuid associated)

  3. Also in an application server, when we initialize each service/char/descr, is every handle attributed by the SD always incremented by 1?

Thanks a lot for your answers, Thomas

  • Hi Thomas,

    before Nordic will comment on details of S110/S130 APIs: you should get (and store) GATTS handle at the time you provision (create) given service/characteristic/include/descriptor handle through functions such as sd_ble_gatts_service_add, sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add, sd_ble_gatts_descriptor_add and sd_ble_gatts_descriptor_add, or not?

    Cheers Jan

  • Hi Jan,

    Thanks for your quick answer. I know those handles is stored into the data structure of my services but I would like to know if there is another way to have a correlation between handle/uuid independently of my services structure.

    Also if you check this services structure, there is no handle for the main characteristic where the permission (read/write/notify) is stored. The permission is only known during the initialization of my service. and again I would like to be able to retrieve this information after all the service initialization.

    I hope to be clear enough.

  • Hi Jan,

    Thanks for your quick answer. I know those handles is stored into the data structure of my services but I would like to know if there is another way to have a correlation between handle/uuid independently of my services structure.

    Also if you check this services structure, there is no handle for the main characteristic where the permission (read/write/notify) is stored. The permission is only known during the initialization of my service. and again I would like to be able to retrieve this information after all the service initialization.

    I hope to be clear enough.

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