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S130 SDK 11 add custom service & Char

I am trying to Migrate from Sdk 6 to Sdk 11.

Here i am facing problem in discovering Custom Characteristics. I can successfully add service and 2 characteristics without any error in my code routine.

But in Android Phone app i can't see any Custom Characteristics.

When debugging i found out, I can successfully add service and my two characteristics even i am getting NRF_Success from their routine but still i can't see custom Characteristics in my Phone app(Nordic Master control panel).

I am attaching image of my phone app where you can refer and even attaching my ble_sbs.c routine c ble_sbs.cfile for your reference.

I tried different android phones but same result. ScreenShot for reference.

Please help me out since i am new to this Sdk... image description

  • So just to be clear, you can see the service (as shown in the screenshot) but not the characteristics, correct?

  • Yes in Custom Service section i should get 2 Characteristics(WRITE/NOTIFY,READ). But they are missing any how. Irrespective of that other all things are seen correctly same as my sdk 6 devices.

  • I see nothing immediately wrong with the code, so there's only 2 things that I can suggest to check. First make absolutely sure that the calls to sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add() are returning NRF_SUCCESS. Second, can you try with another app (Master Control Panel on the PC, or another Android app) to see if this might be an issue with the Android app itself.

  • I am not sure if it is the case here, but sometimes the attribute table is cached on the phone. That means that you won't see the changes you make on the device side on your app. The way I usually solve this is closing the app, open another BLE app, then close this app again, and return to the first app. I also think you can turn on and off BLE on your phone and then restart the app.

  • @Carles i tried both the ways, (1) i am getting NRF_SUCCESS for Characteristics adding routine (2) Even i tried to check with other phone and android app but no change.

    @ Martin i tried by switching different ble apps even i restarted my android phone many times but not helping...
