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IOT SDK parameters and current consumption

Hi, I'm trying IOT SDK now and I got some questions My devices: nRF51422 DK, nRF51_iot_sdk_0.8.0_f1f6187, iot_ipv6_coap_client_pca10028

Q1: Why is the advertising interval set to 333 X 0.625 ms, instead of 64 X 0.625ms like in other examples. Does the value 333 has special meaning?

Q2: Why is the connection interval set as a certain value, unlike other examples, set max and min connection interval.

Q3: When I measured the power consumption with different connection interval, coap shows lower power consumption then UART. (I use multimeter, and I do not optmize the power consumption, so basiclly all test cases are under the same testing condition )

Here's me result (I thought coap cause higher current consumption)

UART conn_interval [20:75] : 4.71 mA - 4.63 mA conn_interval [475:525] : 4.42 mA - 4.38 mA conn_interval [975:1025] : 4.20 mA - 4.14 mA

coap conn_interval 100 : 4.55-4.18 mA conn_interval 200 : 4.21-4.18 mA conn_interval 500 : 4.21-4.18 mA conn_interval 1000 : 4.21-4.18 mA

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