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Power consumption fine tuning

Hi everyone, Well, our device is based on NRF 51822 CFAC MCU. It’s an ibeacon based device which advertises and receives data frequently, and writes data into flash memory.
We have some power consumption issues. We need to achieve at least 200 days of autonomous device working from cr 2032 battery, so in fact you need to achieve 1 mah/24 hours energy consumption. And the main question is how to switch NRF to low power mode periodically?

  • HI Stefan, We are working on special device – it counts time. Let’s say time tracker. So how it works:

    • Turn on.

    • Set identification name

    • Set time

    After this steps you are ready to go. When your tracker is in the range of other trackers approx. 5 meters, it measures time been spend together and writes to the flash. Each tracker is configured as Ibeacon and BLE device, it changes this states time to time.
    Why we need it to be configured like Ibeacon? – Because only ibeacon can wake up ios & android devices if they are in standby mode. Why we need it be configured like BLE device? - Because in ibeacon mode it’s impossible to scan data.
