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explanation for eddystone project

Hi, is their any brief explanation for nrf5-sdk-for-eddystone project firmware newly released by nordic. I go through the project but it is very hard to understand can any one help. I add UUID, TLM frames successfully and it advertising. when I try to add EID frame it not advertising. The code I used to add EID frame is image description

i=2 block for TLM frame and i=3 block for EID frame. In EID block (i=3) if I call eddystone_adv_slot_adv_frame_set(i); it not advertising. If comment that line it advertising and in TLM frame gives data like etelemetry data, salt and message integrity check, in EID frame it showing encrypted key which I given image description.

when I call eddystone_adv_slot_adv_frame_set(i); function for EID frame it initialize security module right. but when call call eddystone_adv_slot_adv_frame_set(i); function for EID frame device is not advertising where I do wrong?

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  • The question is very general. The code is hard to read the way it is formatted. It is not enough space in a comment for the full code snippet (at least to format it correctly). Can you edit your question to include the code instead of the comment? You can either use preformatted text (101010 icon / start all lines with four or more spaces) or add a code file as an attachment.

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