hello. I want use I2C program. so, I used twi_master_using_app_twi example. SDA is output only 1byte(0x21). I need to output a continuous 5byte. Where do I need to modify the part. thank you.
hello. I want use I2C program. so, I used twi_master_using_app_twi example. SDA is output only 1byte(0x21). I need to output a continuous 5byte. Where do I need to modify the part. thank you.
I understand 7bit address. thank you. I will use slave name is TM1640 (Led).
As far as I can see from the datasheet found here the TM1640 does not use TWI. It uses Dual-line Serial Interface, which is similar, but not compatible. I don't think you can use SPI either. Hence you will have to write your own software driver based on the timing diagrams in the datasheet, Chapter VI. "Description the interfaces". You can do some google searching for TM1640 drivers and you will probably find some inspiration.
TM1640 is not compatible? I just want to send continuous data. So, if possible use the SPI example?
If you look at the timing diagram in Figure 2 in the datasheet you will see that it differ from the I2C timing diagrams. For example there is no NACK or ACK bit. It is not similar to SPI either as the TM1640 use start and stop conditions different from the SPI protocol. And where did you get the address from? I can't find any reference to address 0x98 in the datasheet. Are we looking at the same datasheet?
0x98 is example define. no means. I understand about tm1640 protocol and nrf51822 spi, I2c. I will make new source code about tm1640 format. thank you for your support.