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Does Nordic Semiconductor have the hardware we need to realize our project?


we’re a group of students at NTNU in Trondheim doing a project regarding bike and pedestrian registration. So far we want to make a solution based on iBeacon and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). This is what we have outlined:

  • Placing BLE modules with GPRS, transceiveing data with iBeacon.
  • Participators have apps on their mobile units allowing to be waken and transceive information by iBeacon signals.
  • The modules and the mobile units can determine whether the mobile unit is a bike or a pedestrian.
  • All information sent from modules to servers are anonymized
  • Users get their own data from their apps and can use it for their own purposes.

Is this a solution that can be applicable with Nordic Semiconductor technology?

If so, can anyone give us a quick list of what we need. :)

Thanks in advance

Regards Per Kjellsen
