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CPU overhead consumed by S110 SoftDevice


I'm looking at nRF51822 as the BLE solution in a peripheral device which will have a number of different functions/features, some of which require a modest amount of near-real-time CPU hand-holding. Therefore I need to know more about how the S110 SoftDevice operates, and how much CPU overhead it consumes before I can make a decision and start spending resource to develop and verify functionality.

Are there any app notes or data available which provide information on S110 performance/behavior in the nRF51822? In particular I need to know:

  1. In a maximum data-transfer-rate scenario, where 20-byte notifications are sent at the minimum 7.5ms intervals continuously, what percentage of CPU bandwidth is consumed by the S110? Approximate answer is OK.

  2. During the time a notification is being sent (ie: while S110 is actively processing/sending the notification), does the S110 occupy the CPU 100% Or is it possible to have other interrupts serviced at certain points while the notification is being sent/processed?

Thanks very much for any information!
