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nRF51822 development kit examples don't quite work

Having some issues with the examples on the nRF51822 development kit. Hoping someone can help.

Working from nRF51822_Development_Kit_User_Guide_v1.3.pdf.

Motherboard is nRF6310 Rev 1.4 2012.47

Bluetooth LE board is PCA10006 Rev 2.0.0 2013.21

nRFgo Studio is

  1. On page 10 step 5 it says you can look at the 7 segment display to see the board ID. I got nuthin on that display. No segments light up.

  2. On the Blinky Project (p11) step 3: The board doesn't show up in the Motherboard list

  3. The blinky example programs but only kinda works. The documentation says that it blinks LED0-LED7, but on my board, it just toggles between LED0 and LED1. At least it does something.

  4. Heart Rate Demo (starts on p12): Scan for Available Bluetooth low energy devices (p13 step 5) The nRF51822 doesn't show up in the Discovered Devices list and LEDs 0 and 1 don't light up to indicate advertising or connectedness. The code built and programmed, and if I run it from the Segger debugger it looks like it's running alright.

  5. The documentation doesn't quite match reality: at the top of page 13 it says to open the project \ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\board\nrf6310\ble\ble_app_hrs\arm. My Keil directory doesn't have a "ble" directory, it has a "ble_s110_serialization" directory, which I have tried, and also an "s110" directory which I have tried. Neither one works. Not sure if that's a clue or not.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!
