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Advertise on one channel at a time - app_timer problem

Hi DevZone

I want to make a little beacon app, that advertises on channel 37 then waits 700 ms, advertises on channel 38, waits 700 and advertises on channel 39. The below is what i have implemented, yet it doesn't work. It seems like the timeout handler is never called and therefor it is never starting advertising.

static void timers_init(void)
	uint32_t err_code;
	err_code = app_timer_create(&channel_timer_id, APP_TIMER_MODE_REPEATED, channel_timeout_handler);

My timeout handler which switches the channel_mode

static void channel_timeout_handler(void *p_context)
	SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "Channel timeout handler %d\n, channel_mode");
	if(m_channel_mode == 37)
		m_channel_mode = 38;
	else if(m_channel_mode == 38)
		m_channel_mode = 39;
	else if(m_channel_mode == 39)
		m_channel_mode = 37;

And here is my advertising_init where i set what channel it advertises on

static void advertising_init(uint8_t channel_mode)
		SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "Advertising init\n");
    uint32_t      err_code;
    ble_advdata_t advdata;		
		ble_gap_adv_ch_mask_t ch_mask; // channel mask
		ble_uuid_t adv_uuids[] = 	

    // Build and set advertising data.
    memset(&advdata, 0, sizeof(advdata));
    advdata.name_type             = BLE_ADVDATA_NO_NAME;
		advdata.include_appearance		= false;
		advdata.flags 								= flags;
    err_code = ble_advdata_set(&advdata, NULL);

		// Prepare the Manufacturer specific data packet
		ble_gap_addr_t gap_addr;
		ble_advdata_manuf_data_t manuf_data;
		manuf_data.company_identifier           = 0x028C; // 0x028C; // NanoLink Aps company ID
		//									= gap_addr.addr;                    = sizeof(gap_addr.addr);
    advdata.uuids_complete.uuid_cnt = sizeof(adv_uuids) / sizeof(adv_uuids[0]);
    advdata.uuids_complete.p_uuids  = adv_uuids;
		advdata.p_manuf_specific_data   = &manuf_data;

    err_code = ble_advdata_set(&advdata, NULL);
    // Initialize advertising parameters (used when starting advertising).
    memset(&m_adv_params, 0, sizeof(m_adv_params));	
		m_adv_params.type					= BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND;
		m_adv_params.p_peer_addr	= NULL;
		m_adv_params.fp					  = BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY;
		m_adv_params.interval			= NON_CONNECTABLE_ADV_INTERVAL;
		m_adv_params.timeout			= 0;
		m_adv_params.p_whitelist	= NULL;
		SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "channel mode %d\n", channel_mode);
		if(channel_mode == 37)
			ch_mask.ch_37_off				 = 0;
			ch_mask.ch_38_off				 = 1;
			ch_mask.ch_39_off 			 = 1;
			m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;
		else if(channel_mode == 38)
			ch_mask.ch_37_off				 = 1;
			ch_mask.ch_38_off				 = 0;
			ch_mask.ch_39_off 			 = 1;
			m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;
		else if(channel_mode == 39)
			ch_mask.ch_37_off				 = 0;
			ch_mask.ch_38_off				 = 1;
			ch_mask.ch_39_off 			 = 1;
			m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;

And my main looks like this:

int main(void)
    uint32_t err_code;
    // Initialize.
//  APP_TIMER_INIT(APP_TIMER_PRESCALER, APP_TIMER_OP_QUEUE_SIZE, false); // Comment this when channel switching on
		timers_init(); // init timers
		//advertising_init(m_channel_mode); // 		

		err_code = app_timer_start(channel_timer_id, CHANNEL_TIMER_INTERVAL, NULL);

	// Enter main loop.
    for (;; )
  • Isn't it correct that my event_handler should get called when calling, where radio_notification_evt_handler is my event handler?

    err_code = ble_radio_notification_init(6, NRF_RADIO_NOTIFICATION_DISTANCE_5500US, radio_notification_evt_handler);

    It doesn't seem so when i am debugging. And from my advertising_start i am getting error code Invalid data size, which is because advertising_set_data is never called where i setup the advertisement.

    Can anybody help me out?

  • Hi Mathias, see this example. You will fine source code which can be directly compiled with beacon example from SDK, it uses ble_radio_notification module and it works well.

  • Thanks :-) I have changed a bit in my code, and now it definitely interrupts at radio events.

    Though it doesn't change the advertising params as i would hope.

    This is my new handler which i am sure gets called because it toggles the LED2 on my board.

        void SWI1_IRQHandler(bool radio_evt)
        if (radio_evt)
          nrf_gpio_pin_toggle(BSP_LED_2); //Toggle the status of the LED on each radio notification event

    And here is my advertising_reinit(), where i set which channel i advertise on.

    static void advertising_reinit(void)
    	  memset(&m_adv_params, 0, sizeof(m_adv_params));	
    		m_adv_params.type					= BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND;
    		m_adv_params.p_peer_addr	= NULL;
    		m_adv_params.fp					  = BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY;
    		m_adv_params.interval			= NON_CONNECTABLE_ADV_INTERVAL;
    		m_adv_params.timeout			= 0;
    		m_adv_params.p_whitelist	= NULL;		
    		if(channel_mode == 37)
    			channel_mode = 38;
    			ch_mask.ch_37_off = 0;
    			ch_mask.ch_38_off = 1;
    			ch_mask.ch_39_off	= 1;
    			m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;
    		else if(channel_mode == 38)
    			channel_mode = 39;
    			ch_mask.ch_37_off = 0;
    			ch_mask.ch_38_off = 1;
    			ch_mask.ch_39_off	= 1;
    			m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;
    		else if(channel_mode == 39)
    			channel_mode = 37;
    			ch_mask.ch_37_off = 0;
    			ch_mask.ch_38_off = 1;
    			ch_mask.ch_39_off	= 1;
    			m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;

    But it simply doesn't work. I am sorry for my ignorance, but i can't figure out why that wouldn't work

  • Hi,

    Few notes:

    1. If you do minor updates/corrections of single post or answer on the forum, please tick "minor edit" box, it prevents sending multiple notification emails to all followers;)
    2. I don't understand why are you stubbornly playing with IRQ handler. As far as I see there is nothing like that needed if you use SDk modules correctly, it notifies you through function handler provided in ble_radio_notification_init function call.
  • sorry about that, but i do not have such a check box?

    However, I call this in main:

    	err_code = ble_radio_notification_init(6, NRF_RADIO_NOTIFICATION_DISTANCE_800US, on_ble_radio_active_evt);

    which works and on_ble_radio_active_evt is triggered correctly, which calls advertising_init just as planned.

    In my advertising_init i have this code:

    	if(channel_mode == 37)
    		SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "channel_mode == 37 %d \n", channel_mode);
    		channel_mode = 38;
    		ch_mask.ch_37_off = 0;
    		ch_mask.ch_38_off = 1;
    		ch_mask.ch_39_off	= 1;
    		m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;
    	else if(channel_mode == 38)
    		SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "channel_mode == 38 %d \n", channel_mode);
    		channel_mode = 39;
    		ch_mask.ch_37_off = 0;
    		ch_mask.ch_38_off = 1;
    		ch_mask.ch_39_off	= 1;
    		m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;
    	else if(channel_mode == 39)
    		SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "channel_mode == 39 %d \n", channel_mode);
    		channel_mode = 37;
    		ch_mask.ch_37_off = 0;
    		ch_mask.ch_38_off = 1;
    		ch_mask.ch_39_off	= 1;
    		m_adv_params.channel_mask = ch_mask;

    I can see in RTT-viewer that it goes to channel 37 then 38 then 39 then 37 and so on.

    But when i look at the packages in wireshark using the sniffer it only advertises on channel 37.

    So i thought that i might have to stop the advertising, init the advertising and then advertising_start againg, which i tried as follows:

    static void on_ble_radio_active_evt(bool radio_active) {
        if (radio_active) 

    But without any luck.. advertising_stop and advertising_startboth returns NRF_SUCCES..

    Got it to work... The problem was that i had the same mask for all possible channels.. Thank you very much for your help :-) Appreciated!
