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Hi, I'm working on porting my application from SDK 11.0 to 12.2.0 and I have a problem initializing the buttonless DFU service. I've flashed the secure bootloader and appropriate settings. The bootloader itself is working correctly (I can upload a Nordic test image just fine).

If I add the BLE DFU service during services_init() the device resets. I've narrowed the fault down to this portion of the nrf_dfu_settings.c:

void nrf_dfu_settings_init(void)
    NRF_LOG_INFO("running nrf_dfu_settings_init\r\n");

    volatile uint32_t crc;

    flash_operation_pending = false;

    // Copy the DFU settings out of flash and into a buffer in RAM.
    memcpy((void*)&s_dfu_settings, &m_dfu_settings_buffer[0], sizeof(nrf_dfu_settings_t));

    if(s_dfu_settings.crc != 0xFFFFFFFF)
        // CRC is set. Content must be valid
        crc = nrf_dfu_settings_calculate_crc();
        if(crc == s_dfu_settings.crc)

    // Reached if nothing is configured or if CRC was wrong
    NRF_LOG_INFO("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Resetting bootloader settings !!!!!!!!!!!\r\n");
    memset(&s_dfu_settings, 0x00, sizeof(nrf_dfu_settings_t));
    s_dfu_settings.settings_version = NRF_DFU_SETTINGS_VERSION;

ret_code_t nrf_dfu_settings_write(dfu_flash_callback_t callback)
    ret_code_t err_code = FS_SUCCESS;
    NRF_LOG_INFO("Erasing old settings at: 0x%08x\r\n", (uint32_t)&m_dfu_settings_buffer[0]);

    // Wait for any ongoing operation (because of multiple calls to nrf_dfu_settings_write)
    flash_operation_pending = true;
    m_callback = callback;
        // Not setting the callback function because ERASE is required before STORE
        // Only report completion on successful STORE.
        err_code = nrf_dfu_flash_erase((uint32_t*)&m_dfu_settings_buffer[0], 1, NULL);
    } while (err_code == FS_ERR_QUEUE_FULL);
    if (err_code != FS_SUCCESS)
        NRF_LOG_ERROR("Erasing from flash memory failed.\r\n");
        flash_operation_pending = false;
        return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL;

    s_dfu_settings.crc = nrf_dfu_settings_calculate_crc();

    NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing 0x%08x words\r\n", sizeof(nrf_dfu_settings_t)/4);

    static nrf_dfu_settings_t temp_dfu_settings;
    memcpy(&temp_dfu_settings, &s_dfu_settings, sizeof(nrf_dfu_settings_t));

        err_code = nrf_dfu_flash_store((uint32_t*)&m_dfu_settings_buffer[0],

    } while (err_code == FS_ERR_QUEUE_FULL);
    if (err_code != FS_SUCCESS)
        NRF_LOG_ERROR("Storing to flash memory failed.\r\n");
        flash_operation_pending = false;
        return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL;

    NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing settings...\r\n");
    return NRF_SUCCESS;

The stored CRC is just 0, so it does not match the calculated one. Thus the application resets the bootloader settings. This alarms me since nrfutil reports a CRC when I generate the settings hex file.

But anyway, the value returned by this line:

err_code = nrf_dfu_flash_erase((uint32_t*)&m_dfu_settings_buffer[0], 1, NULL);

is FS_ERR_UNALIGNED_ADDR, and I'm not quite sure what's going on. The bootloader settings address is configured as 0x0007F000, which should be aligned with a a page boundary.

  • So, with Hung Bui's help, I've figured out the problem.

    I'm using GCC to compile my application. I followed the experimental_ble_app_buttonless_dfu closely. The linker script provided with the example doesn't declare the .bootloaderSettings section so when the compiler reaches this part of nrf_dfu_settings.c

    /** @brief  This variable reserves a codepage for bootloader specific settings,
     *          to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location.
    #if defined (__CC_ARM )
        uint8_t  m_dfu_settings_buffer[CODE_PAGE_SIZE] __attribute__((at(BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS)))
    #elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
        uint8_t m_dfu_settings_buffer[CODE_PAGE_SIZE] __attribute__ ((section(".bootloaderSettings")))
    #elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
        __no_init __root uint8_t m_dfu_settings_buffer[CODE_PAGE_SIZE] @ BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS;
        #error Not a valid compiler/linker for m_dfu_settings placement.

    where it allocates m_dfu_settings_buffer, it can't find the section. I was also naively under the impression that the compiler was entering the __CC_ARM section, but instead it enters the __GNUC__ section.

    Declaring the section in the application linker script like so:

    /* Linker script to configure memory regions. */
    GROUP(-lgcc -lc -lnosys)
      FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x1f000, LENGTH = 0x59000
      RAM (rwx) :  ORIGIN = 0x20002c48, LENGTH = 0xd3b8
      /** Location of bootloader setting in flash. */
      BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x0007F000, LENGTH = 0x1000
      /* Place the bootloader settings page in flash. */
      .bootloaderSettings(NOLOAD) :
      .fs_data :
        PROVIDE(__start_fs_data = .);
        PROVIDE(__stop_fs_data = .);
      } > RAM
      .pwr_mgmt_data :
        PROVIDE(__start_pwr_mgmt_data = .);
        PROVIDE(__stop_pwr_mgmt_data = .);
      } > RAM
    } INSERT AFTER .data;
    INCLUDE "nrf5x_common.ld"

    the application boots normally. This was also what was causing the CRC to be zero on boot.
