What do I need to know to add mesh functionality into a normal BLE application ?
What do I need to know to add mesh functionality into a normal BLE application ?
I tested success, but If I take ble_app_uart_mesh with light_switch_server (no change, not ble_app_proximity_mesh_lightswitch_server) , so client dont not provining for server. Pls, tell me why?
Hi Hung Bui,
I found a problem. After the server joins the network, it reset the server and power on, that it cannot automatically join the network. Why?But, I reset the client and the work is normal.
I also run the light example and there is no such problem!
In ble_app_proximity_mesh_lightswitch_server.zip example provisioning not happened. Why provisioning not happened?
Could you please tell me how to do that : Customize the simple_hal.c to not use GPIOTE_IRQHandler() as it conflicts with the gpiote driver in the SDK
thank you
just comment GPIOTE_IRQHandler() in simple_hal.c
that worked for me.