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pwr_mgmt_fpu_sleep_prepare fails with assert


We have an application with a S132 device, SDK 14 and Softdevice v5.0.0. On some devices, an assert is being thrown in the sleep prepare function. This is the line ASSERT((fpscr & 0x07) == 0);

What could the possible cause of this be? Is there any special PCB support required for this to work? The devices that work have a different PCB revision. Is there chip errata pertaining to this?


  • Not only is the assert checking the FPU flag conditions prior to clearing, but the assert currently occurs outside the critical section.  An interrupt could occur between the critical section end and assert, in which the FPU flags are modified.  The assert needs to move into the critical section or be removed altogether.

  • Hi Hung, do you have an answer to this question?  We are experiencing a similar problem.

  • I have not seen a fix for this issue. However we determined that there was a real math error somewhere which was causing the problem. Usually a divide by zero (0)

  • My understanding is that it's not a bug. 

    The application should handle FPU exceptions in FPU_IRQHandler() .

    What this code does:


            fpscr = __get_FPSCR();


             * Clear FPU exceptions.

             * Without this step, the FPU interrupt is marked as pending,

             * preventing system from sleeping. Exceptions cleared:

             * - IOC - Invalid Operation cumulative exception bit.

             * - DZC - Division by Zero cumulative exception bit.

             * - OFC - Overflow cumulative exception bit.

             * - UFC - Underflow cumulative exception bit.

             * - IXC - Inexact cumulative exception bit.

             * - IDC - Input Denormal cumulative exception bit.


            __set_FPSCR(fpscr & ~0x9Fu);






             * Assert no critical FPU exception is signaled:

             * - IOC - Invalid Operation cumulative exception bit.

             * - DZC - Division by Zero cumulative exception bit.

             * - OFC - Overflow cumulative exception bit.


            ASSERT((fpscr & 0x07) == 0);


    Is to avoid the exception prevents the CPU from sleeping (that has not been handled by the FPU_IRQHandler). However, the critical FPU should be assert, that's why we have the last check    ASSERT((fpscr & 0x07) == 0); to assert if there is any critical exception. 

