help me in firmware updateing using j-link in nRF52840 .i have tried using both j-link and nRfgo studio. in nRFgo studio i could not find the nRF52 development dongle.
help me in updating firware
help me in firmware updateing using j-link in nRF52840 .i have tried using both j-link and nRfgo studio. in nRFgo studio i could not find the nRF52 development dongle.
help me in updating firware
sorry for the misinterpretation we have not flashed we are trying to flash but could not connect the target.
even we used another target device nRF52840.
OK, then it might not be the problem on Nordic side.
Are you testing this on custom board? in that case, check your schematics again and make sure that the device is getting powered. Also in your snapshot you see a "Recover" option. Click that to see if that helps.
Yes sir we are testing on custom board.
We have flashed blinky.hex file using openocd software running on Raspberry Pi3 , it works fine as per the code. Which means that the schematic we are using is correct.
We are trying to flash the module with same hex file through segger J-link EDU to the same target device nRF52840 but we are unable to connect the target.
and now we are using J-Link command prompt not nRFgo Studio.
please follow the instructions in this post to see if you can use nordic DK (if you have any) to try to connect to your custom board. If you are not able to communicate then its most likely something wrong on your custom board, then follow Håkon's recommendations to try to fix this. I am not aware of any problem on Nordic side for JTAG
There was an issue with my target device nRF52840.
We were not able to connect the target device nRF52840 while updating firmware with segger j-link, we are able to connect the target now. What are further steps if you can guide me..