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Timer Issue With HX711 - Stopped By Vector Catch Error

Details: SDK v15.2.0 using HX711 sample code copy-pasted over twi_master_using_nrf_twi_mngr example. Windows 8.1, uploading to nRF52 DK.

I am having a hard time understanding this section of code. I read the timer section in the product specs v1.4, but I am clearly still not understanding it fully.

  • When I run it in the debugger, it loops through the do-while loop in the section of code below a lot and never increments any timer1 or timer2 register values. I added the NRF_LOG_INFO((int) NRF_TIMER2->CC[1]); line to try and readout the value but it just sends LOG: "blank"
  • When I build and run it on the board, it tells me "stopped by vector catch"

for (uint32_t i=0; i < ADC_RES; i++)
            /* NRF_TIMER->CC[1] contains number of clock cycles.*/
            NRF_TIMER2->TASKS_CAPTURE[1] = 1;
            if (NRF_TIMER2->CC[1] >= ADC_RES) goto EXIT; // Readout not in sync with PD_CLK. Abort and notify error.
            else { 
              NRF_LOG_INFO((int) NRF_TIMER2->CC[1]); 
        while(NRF_TIMER1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] == 0);
        NRF_TIMER1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] = 0;
        m_sample.value |= (nrf_gpio_pin_read(DOUT) << (23 - i));

When I read the code above, it tells me this:

  • loop through until i equals the number of ADC bits desired
  • capture timer2 value to CC[1] register
  • if: CC[1] (set to timer2 value) is equal or greater than ADC bits then exit (but timer2 was never started, why??)
  • else: logger
  • continue to do this until timer1 events_compare[0] is not zero (but CC[0] was initialised to 1, and events_compare would only go high if timer1 was equal to the value in CC[0] so unless timer1 overflows, it's unlikely it will catch??)
  • reset events_compare[0]

This code was written by Vidar so I'm sure it works fine. I feel like I'm doing something wrong

My main function looks like this:

int main(void) {
    /* Initialise logging */
    uint32_t err_code = NRF_LOG_INIT(NULL);

    /* Initialise hx711 */
    hx711_mode_t mikes_mode;
    hx711_init(mikes_mode, m_evt_handler);
    NRF_LOG_FLUSH(); // push out message

    while(true) {
        NRF_LOG_INFO("print me");
        nrf_drv_gpiote_in_event_disable(DOUT); // maybe needed
        hx711_sample(); // Getting caught here

  • Hii Vidar, 

    I'm trying to run your example(and this issue is consistent across most example) using the nordic SDK15

    and it simply prints me this error saying it can't find the file after literally opening the .emProject file in text editor and changing the directories "../../../../../../" to my SDK directory: "C:/Nrf_Env/nRF5_SDK_15" and there is the first error: 

    C:/Nrf_Env/nRF5_SDK_15/components/libraries/log/src/nrf_log_backend_serial.c: No such file or directory

    What am I doing wrong? how do you make such "project" compatible generally? 
