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Problems with OUT reports on USB HID


I'm using the NRF52840 PDK version:




With SDK version 15.2

I've been trying to develop an application based on the HID Generic example and am seeing some strange behaviours on the USB HID OUT endpoint.

I try to obtain the data in the APP_USBD_HID_USER_EVT_OUT_REPORT_READY event, at which point I use app_usbd_hid_generic_out_report_get to retrieve the data for processing in my main loop.

After more tracing and debugging, I've found that the hid_generic_ep_transfer_out handler is called when the OUT endpoint is busy.  When this happens the app_usbd_ep_transfer fails and app_usbd proceeds to stall the endpoint (in app_usbd_event_execute).

How can I avoid this situation?



  • They have found an issue in your application, do the following:

    • replace bluink_process_usb_events() with:

    void bluink_process_usb_events( void )
       while ( 1 ) 

    • in hid_u2f_user_ev_handler() in switch, replace case for APP_USBD_HID_USER_EVT_OUT_REPORT_READY with:

          m_report_received += 1;
          size_t recv_size;            
          uint8_t *p_recv_buf = (uint8_t *)app_usbd_hid_generic_out_report_get(&m_app_hid_u2f, &recv_size);
          app_usbd_hid_generic_in_report_set(&m_app_hid_u2f, p_recv_buf, recv_size);

    Please confirm this fixed the issue.

  • Hi Kenneth,

    Indeed, it has illustrated to me how to fix my issue.  Thank you very much!
    I was able to use the blinky test with your changes and I could send arbitrarily large messages at full speed.  I had to do quite a bit of experimenting to make this work with my use case:

    The challenge I have is that I am processing large messages coming from USB and sending them off through BT and responding (receiving BT then responding over USB).
    So I have to be able to manage buffers between USB and BT.

    I have some observations that I'd like to share and would like it if you could comment on them:

    1) If I process USB too fast (calling app_usbd_event_queue_process() too fast), then I run into the OUT endpoint issue.  I believe the root cause is that I need to have enough time to process the data before the next OUT event comes through.

    2) It seems that if I process USB too slow (i.e. not calling app_usbd_event_queue_process() often enough) that the device eventually hangs.  My guess is that the event queue fills up and things just can't go on.

    The trick was finding a balance between the two which can allow the BT processing that I need to do at the same time.
    Can you confirm that my understanding of app_usbd_event_queue_process() is correct?

    Again, thanks for your help.

  • 1. Calling `app_usbd_event_queue_process()` too often should not pose a problem. As soon as data is processed, it should be passed to the USB stack with `app_usbd_hid_generic_in_report_set()`. With no events left to process, USB stack just waits. But if you need a lot of time to process BLE data, calling `app_usbd_event_queue_process()` when there is no need may lead to slower processing.

    2. On the other hand, calling `app_usbd_event_queue_process()` too rarely is a problem - some events are not processed in time (which in this case lead to STALL of OUT reports).

    Best regards,

  • Hello Larry, 

    Can you please share with me how this helped you fixed the issue? I am facing a similar issue and following the above discussions did not help me find the problem.


  • Yes.  The modified blinky project that was uploaded in this ticked illustrates the problem.  Kenneth was able to provide changes that made the issue go away.  That proved that a solution does exist.
    For my application I had to make sure that I was always able to process an OUT report as soon as I get the event (it meant I needed more buffers).  At the same time, I had to call app_usbd_event_queue_process() often enough to keep up with USB events.

    I hope that helps you.

